Monday, November 22, 2010


Kevin is Ezekiel.  The Rhema church called us up after the band led worship and said that Kevin was like Ezekiel.  He taught people that hadn't played before how to play instruments and be a worship band that could lead others to praise the Lord kind of like Ezekiel when he brought the dead bones together, and breath came into them, and they were a vast army!  (Ezekiel 37)  Wow.  What a powerful comparison!  

This is the Rhema band that played this November.  Narek is main worship leader and one of our best friends here.  He is in England right now at missions school!  It's a three month program so Zara and Armen have been keeping things going while he's been gone.

Zara just learned to drum this year and this is her first time drumming live with the band!  Whoo!  Armen is on the bass.  He can play any instrument, I think.  Talented guy.  Kevin is, of course, on the guitar.  (I think you can tell which one is Kevin?)  The worship leader is Mariam.  This is the first time I've heard her lead but she may have lead in the past.  Her husband, Artur, does the sound and is one of the guys that was in the band last year.  He learned to play the bass even though his finger was injured at work a while back!  (They're expecting their first baby this winter.  A girl!)  :)  You can't see the keyboard player because she wanted to sit down by the sound system...  but she's there, too!  I don't know the back up singers as well, since they don't come to our house to practice as often as the band!  But they did a fine job, too, huh?!  :)

Narek will be back in December just after we leave!  (Boo!)  And hopefully he'll slide right back in there and the band will be off and running!  (Until he goes to do missions work somewhere?  You can pray for him and his family as they seek the Lord's direction!)

So!  There's the band.  We love these guys.  They like to joke with Kev because as he's taught them he's always said, "Hesht a!"  which means, "It's easy!"  Try it out.  Start small.  Step by step.  Little by little.  It's easy!  Next thing you know, you're playing in a worship team!  My Ezekiel.  :)  Bringing a band together to be an army!  It's easy!

*Special, huge thanks to Ron, who donated money for this worship ministry in Armenia!!

1 comment:

jenny said...

wow!that's wonderful!!