Monday, August 20, 2007


The other day a gal came up to me and visited with me about her kids... she had waited for them to come home and now they were. She told me it was all in the Lord's timing. She would have prefered it to have happened sooner but she knew that it was all in God's timing. He had good timing. I heard her. And I know the same to be true for us. We are waiting on God's timing.

Then in a book I read... guess what the people were learning about?? God's timing. How they don't like waiting but how good God's timing is. To quote, "God's like that. Often right down to the last minute but never late." After I read that, I had to smile with the Lord. I love it when He talks to me like that. Reminding me of His truth and His good plans. Double dabble good. (Check out the Cul de Sac Kids books by Beverly Lewis... that was our summer reading! Double dabble good!)

So we're waiting to get sent to Russia and wondering why it would have to take so long when we said "yes" to going. But as we wait, we grow, and we trust that even if it feels like it's taking too long... God is never late!

("ahhh, hhhaaa, ha ha haaaaa, hhaaaa, haaa, ha, ha..." ~Lord of the Rings)

...It will, however, be more fun to look back on the waiting and see that the Lord's time HAS come! Heh...

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