Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Have you ever been really surprised?  Blessed and surprised?  The day we left Armenia (like 4 hours before we had to be at the airport...)  we were given a check for $6,000 to be used toward our adoption!  Wow.  We don't know who it's from.  It was given through another friend.  So as we're spinning to get our house finished up and all the last minute things packed away...  Wow!  Surprise!

We're so excited to see God's hand in these plans.  It seems like every time we start to think, "wha?" we get another bump encouraging us to keep moving forward.  Sometimes it seems to me like we're kinda playing red light, green light!  Heh.  Now we have the money to move forward but we don't have a job or our own house!  Bah!  Still trying to get our footing after returning from overseas right now!   I'm just not sure that the homestudy folks will be excited about our plan of God-will-work-it-all-out?!

But  I know that in His good time we will know the plan and look back to see that it's all been good.  Waiting is hard.  God is good.  In due time we'll see the end of the adoption journey that he's laid before us.  For now...  WHOOOO-HOOOOO!  And thank you to the ones who have blessed us and have given toward changing orphans' lives!  Can't wait to share the end of the race with you all!!

Go, wait, go, wait....   anticipation....  :)

I just heard Beth Moore say something like waiting involves longing, or else it's just time passing...  she was saying how God longs with us.  Longing and rejoicing.  Both.

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