~Crazy Crawfords~
Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy.
Embracing Crazy...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tbilisi Georgia
Every 120 days, our visas expire and we need to leave the country and come back in again to apply for new visas. This time we drove up through the mountains in northern Armenia and crossed the boarder to continue on up into Georgia's capital, Tbilisi. A friend of a friend met us at the boarder so we could follow him up... good thing, too, because we would have been so lost in Tbilisi! Big, pretty city! We drove through town some and then stopped at... McDonalds!! :) We don't have anything like that here in Yerevan so that was eeeexciting! After that we went to their ministry center for the night and in the morning we headed back to Armenia. So it was a short trip but still fun to see around! Next time, we'll try to plan to stay a little longer! (And to check out their other two McDonalds!!)On the way back to Yerevan, we got a flat tire... in the mountains... in the snow... in the cold... just outside a little village. Kevin drove us back to the gas station there and we had about 6 guys come and help. It was freezing out there and the tire was stuck on there pretty good. After they all worked hard and we all thanked them a lot, we waved good bye and Kev turned the key to start the car back up - dead. No battery. Not a sound... Wait, guys... come back! :) We jumped the car and it was all good. Needless to say, we were pretty happy to get back home where we were safe and warm! Our visa's expire on May 28th so at least there shouldn't be as much snow then!! Heh.
(The last two pics are Kote, who took care of us!! Thank you!! And the last one, we were just getting into the snow... see the zig zagging sign?!)
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