~Crazy Crawfords~
Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy.
Embracing Crazy...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Our baby is FIVE years old!
Happy Birthday to our sweet Elijah Edward Crawford! Time goes by so fast. Lijah's adorable, curious, smart, learning to read, friendly, snuggly, sweet with babies, quick to make a friend, and very talkative! Even while I type, he's talking, talking... I think about Kung Fu Panda. Heh... We are so blessed to have our baby boy, er, I mean, little man as our son. Love that kid!
We had kind of a low key birthday for him... After Monday devotions, we had cake with our friends up at the Fire Bible Office. Then for lunch we had pizza at Play City with our family and Oliver, his buddy. The kids got to play games and climb in the play place. That night we came home to watch a "new, good movie" because that's what Lijah had asked for... but when we were about to start the movie Up, he decided he'd rather watch an old Magic School bus! Birthday boy gets to call the shots so Magic School bus it was! He said, "Look at all my presents!" to the 5 or so gifts that he got! Honey. He went to bed with a smile on his face. Fearfully and Wonderfully made!
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