Sometimes it's nice to hear your kids repeat what you say and sometimes it's not so nice. Well, I was pleasently surprised to hear what Hannie was saying when I realized that she must hear me say it, too! Each week of the month the kids "get" a week... They get to go first to get their cups or be served the meal or make little decisions. This week is Hannie's week and one of the perks of it being "your week" is you get to pray before we eat. We have a different thing or different people to pray for each day of the week: Russia, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Pastors, Teachers, Friends/Neighbors, and Missionaries.
This week I noticed Hannie's prayers usually include "let them know You better" or "help them know You more each day". I love it! So if you're in that list, you've been prayed for this week by Hannie - that you would Know Jesus More. What a thrill for me to know that she knows that that's an important thing, or THE important thing, for us to pray for others.
Ephesians 1:17-18
17. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.
18. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
I Love Color
When I was a little girl, I told my mom that I was going to marry a black man. My godparents daughter was pictured with a black man in a photo hanging on their wall. I asked my mom about it and she said that was her husband but some people gave them a hard time because they were different colors. That's dumb, was my basic response. If they're married and all is well between them, what right did anyone else have to give them a hard time... so that was that - I, too, would marry a black man. So there.
Well, there's a couple funny things about that decision. I don't think I'd even met a black person out in white-ville, ND. My first kiss, however, was from a little Korean boy back in 5th grade! Heh. And now that I'm grown and married... I joke that I married the whitest of the white men around, my gorgeous, red headed, blue eyed, Kevy bear.
All that being said, we're excited to be going to Russia to work with college students from around the world! While we've noticed that there will be lots of people of lots of different colors, I'm thrilled to see how God's been working in our lives and in our KIDS lives to prepare us. He has brought so many lovely people into our lives and we're thankful for our friends for several reasons. But I'm excited, too, to see God at work. Isn't He always preparing us...
Let me share some pictures of our children's good friends:

Jazmyn and Hannie being silly... they go to school and church together.

Hartrick and Elijah... we carpool with Hartrick and Elijah says, "Hartricks, Hartricks!!"

Benjamin and Alex... He was adopted from India.

Ruth and Caleb... okay, so he's a white boy, but a good friend of Ruth's!
I just love color. God's so creative. And so in love with people! Our kids friends are just friends. No big thing. (Benjamin did used to call Alex his "gray" friend... just matter of factly! Heh. Now Benjamin loves asking Hartrick about different animals and things he saw in Africa but he moved here when he was 7 so usually doesn't remember seeing them!)
What fun to see God at work in our lives as we prepare to invest in others lives!
Well, there's a couple funny things about that decision. I don't think I'd even met a black person out in white-ville, ND. My first kiss, however, was from a little Korean boy back in 5th grade! Heh. And now that I'm grown and married... I joke that I married the whitest of the white men around, my gorgeous, red headed, blue eyed, Kevy bear.
All that being said, we're excited to be going to Russia to work with college students from around the world! While we've noticed that there will be lots of people of lots of different colors, I'm thrilled to see how God's been working in our lives and in our KIDS lives to prepare us. He has brought so many lovely people into our lives and we're thankful for our friends for several reasons. But I'm excited, too, to see God at work. Isn't He always preparing us...
Let me share some pictures of our children's good friends:

Jazmyn and Hannie being silly... they go to school and church together.

Hartrick and Elijah... we carpool with Hartrick and Elijah says, "Hartricks, Hartricks!!"

Benjamin and Alex... He was adopted from India.

Ruth and Caleb... okay, so he's a white boy, but a good friend of Ruth's!
I just love color. God's so creative. And so in love with people! Our kids friends are just friends. No big thing. (Benjamin did used to call Alex his "gray" friend... just matter of factly! Heh. Now Benjamin loves asking Hartrick about different animals and things he saw in Africa but he moved here when he was 7 so usually doesn't remember seeing them!)
What fun to see God at work in our lives as we prepare to invest in others lives!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
amaryllis flower
Take a moment to think about the following quiz that I took from a Beth Moore study:
-What type of media entertainment do you enjoy?
-List the TV programs you watch.
-What kind of music is aired on the radio stations you listen to most frequently?
-List the last five movies you have watched.
-What magazines and books do you have around your home?
Now using the following scale, place a 1 or 2 beside each form of media that you listed.
1. Honored God and encouraged my walk with Christ.
2. Fueled temptation and compromised godly character.
She goes on to say... Please consider deprogramming from all sorts of deceptive forms of media... and reprogram with the truth of God's Word.
Last night, I read in James 1
19. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
27. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Personally, I noticed my TV section needing the most work... I mean, really, what is on the TV that doesn't "fuel temptation and compromise godly character"?? Hello. (Most of my music and movies had something to do with Veggietales or Dan and Louie! Heh.) So even though I don't watch a ton of TV, what I do watch is not building me up in anyway. I think God does intend for us to watch good things, but where are we going to find it these days? The search now is harder than it was before. The evil is "so prevalent". Stand firm.
Beth Moore goes on to say...
I pray that you will consider maintaining a very active relationship with God through His Word for the rest of your life. We can't recognize lies if we don't know truth.
Four truths about God's precepts from Psalm 19:10-11
-more precious than gold
-sweeter than honey
-warning to servant
-great reward in keeping them
-What type of media entertainment do you enjoy?
-List the TV programs you watch.
-What kind of music is aired on the radio stations you listen to most frequently?
-List the last five movies you have watched.
-What magazines and books do you have around your home?
Now using the following scale, place a 1 or 2 beside each form of media that you listed.
1. Honored God and encouraged my walk with Christ.
2. Fueled temptation and compromised godly character.
She goes on to say... Please consider deprogramming from all sorts of deceptive forms of media... and reprogram with the truth of God's Word.
Last night, I read in James 1
19. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
27. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Personally, I noticed my TV section needing the most work... I mean, really, what is on the TV that doesn't "fuel temptation and compromise godly character"?? Hello. (Most of my music and movies had something to do with Veggietales or Dan and Louie! Heh.) So even though I don't watch a ton of TV, what I do watch is not building me up in anyway. I think God does intend for us to watch good things, but where are we going to find it these days? The search now is harder than it was before. The evil is "so prevalent". Stand firm.
Beth Moore goes on to say...
I pray that you will consider maintaining a very active relationship with God through His Word for the rest of your life. We can't recognize lies if we don't know truth.
Four truths about God's precepts from Psalm 19:10-11
-more precious than gold
-sweeter than honey
-warning to servant
-great reward in keeping them
Saturday, November 18, 2006
'cause I'm three...
Ruth was having a conversation with Uncle Blake today. He looked outside to check on the older two kids and they weren't there. So Ruth came to look. She decided that they were in the garage. When Blake asked how she know that... her honest reply, "Cause I'm Three, that's how I know!"
Hannie loves presents. It's just a thing for her. She's so sweet about it, too. Grandma Sharon wanted to take her out to pick out whatever present she'd choose for herself and Hannie's first thought - pink boots. So sweet. So Hannie and Grandma drove all around town until they found the perfect pink boots. Happy Birthday, Hannie.
I love how both girls say, "han-satizer" when they're asking for Hand Sanitizer.
Benjamin is in basketball now and just after making a hoop, he looked over at me and told his coach, "That's my mom!" Love it.
Elijah loves to snuggle these days and will sit down between your legs when you're sitting on the floor and then pull your legs up close around himself so you're sitting almost chris-cross apple sauce. They he'll turn around and reach for your arm to place it over himself and reach back for the other arm to do the same thing. He snuggles in and smiles... then usually remembers he forgot his blankie so off he goes to get that, just to come back to set up the proper snuggle.
Hannie loves presents. It's just a thing for her. She's so sweet about it, too. Grandma Sharon wanted to take her out to pick out whatever present she'd choose for herself and Hannie's first thought - pink boots. So sweet. So Hannie and Grandma drove all around town until they found the perfect pink boots. Happy Birthday, Hannie.
I love how both girls say, "han-satizer" when they're asking for Hand Sanitizer.
Benjamin is in basketball now and just after making a hoop, he looked over at me and told his coach, "That's my mom!" Love it.
Elijah loves to snuggle these days and will sit down between your legs when you're sitting on the floor and then pull your legs up close around himself so you're sitting almost chris-cross apple sauce. They he'll turn around and reach for your arm to place it over himself and reach back for the other arm to do the same thing. He snuggles in and smiles... then usually remembers he forgot his blankie so off he goes to get that, just to come back to set up the proper snuggle.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
cinnamon roll morning
Cinnamon rolls smell so good. Especially in the morning. What a sweet way to wake up. I can remember waking up to the smell of cinnamon when I was a kid. Mom usually made them on Sunday, from what I recall. A pleasant aroma is a nice way to wake up. (Which reminds me that I just read about how we are supposed to be the aroma of Christ... Hummm, interesting.) Anyway. This is the tale of a missionary morning, including cinnamon rolls!
I wake up to Kevin stumbling around to get out of bed and into the shower. While he showers, I hear Elijah coughing (just like we heard around 4 in the morning...). As Kev gets out of the shower around 7:30, I hear Ruth up and talking in the hallway, loudly, as usual! Soon Hannie's up, too, and I'm thinking of the boys who could use the extra sleep. Good morning to me. So as Kevy says good bye to me and heads down to the church (we're speaking at our home church today), I remind the girls to be quiet for the others who are still sleeping or trying to be sleeping, including me! :)
The girls proceed upstairs to play quietly only to come down crying over a disagreement. Eli's awake, Benjamin's up, and I guess I am, too. So off we go. I make the bed, read a quick two verses, throw clothes in the dryer, look for something to wear, go to the bathroom and head to get Elijah out of bed. He has no clothes on. At least his diaper is still on, but I see he's been pulling at that, too. It's soaked! I bring him upstairs with me and get him changed and dressed.

As I get out my packaged cinnamon rolls... I button shirts and zip zippers. I solve disagreements and wipe noses. I watch the clock and try to keep things moving so that we're ready when Kev comes back to get us around 10. (Our second car doesn't work so all six of our coordinating life around the one van...) Quickly, I run down and pull out some of Kev's dress shirts and hang them on the door for when he comes home after church and packs to leave for Minot's service tonight.
The kids are getting dresses when I notice that Hannie has on a different dress than what we'd all agreed on the night before. She looks alright but everyone else pretty much has on matching outfits - browns, pinks, and blues. Hannie decided that now she wants to wear a long, brighter orange dress. So we discuss that for a while and she keeps the orange-y. While the rolls fill the house with sweetness, I comb hair and brush hair and make one pony tail for Ruth and two pony tails for Hannie. I tie bows and buckle shoes. I comb my own hair and try to get myself dressed.
The bell dings! Cinnamon rolls are ready! Time to frost those sweeties and hand out plates. While they cool, I empty the dishwasher and clean up the table some more from the night before and listen to a book or joke or something... okay, so I didn't listen too good! As I frost the rolls, Hannie wants to help and Benjamin takes the plates to the table. The kids sit down to eat after everyone comes to the table and Eli gets buckled in his booster. Before I get to my own roll... forks are needed by some and milk, by all. We're low on cups and on forks so we have a mismatched table and Eli's not happy about the little fork he gets! He is, however, happy about the milk! "malako!"
Kevin comes home and says we need to be ready in a few minutes... we're cookin' so it's okay. He asks me about the service and the order and the power point that we just changed. We're hoping to sing a new song in Russian and that's been playing on the computer all morning. I have not had time to warm up my voice or sing it, but it has been playing! As Kevin trys to print out our name and info on the pledge forms, the printer decides to stop working. (Which matches the prayer cards we tried to print the day before because our new ones won't be in until Wed...)
I continue to try to finish dressing while I try to finish eating my yummy cinnamon roll, remember those sweet, delicious treats? Mmm... The kids are done eating and on the run again... cleaning up and finding lost shoes and coats. Kevin gets out cereal (but I'm not sure if he ever eats any...) and I start trying to gather my things and look to see if the kids have gathered their things. Blankies, diapers, sippy cup, bags, Bibles, still one lost shoe... By now I'm dressed except for shoes when the kids are making noise out in the van... "Buckle up!!" Ruth needs help and doesn't like her coat on! Elijah is already trying to take his shoes OFF and trying to fill his pants. I'm helping buckle car seats and Kevin's ready to boogie! "Boogie!"
I grab my coat and my Bible and wonder what the speaker will talk about today and remember it's me and Kevy speaking! :) Then I sit down for the first time all morning as Kevin backs out of the garage. I take a breath and lick the cinnamon off my finger. In the middle of the whirlwind, it's good to enjoy the sweetness.
I wake up to Kevin stumbling around to get out of bed and into the shower. While he showers, I hear Elijah coughing (just like we heard around 4 in the morning...). As Kev gets out of the shower around 7:30, I hear Ruth up and talking in the hallway, loudly, as usual! Soon Hannie's up, too, and I'm thinking of the boys who could use the extra sleep. Good morning to me. So as Kevy says good bye to me and heads down to the church (we're speaking at our home church today), I remind the girls to be quiet for the others who are still sleeping or trying to be sleeping, including me! :)
The girls proceed upstairs to play quietly only to come down crying over a disagreement. Eli's awake, Benjamin's up, and I guess I am, too. So off we go. I make the bed, read a quick two verses, throw clothes in the dryer, look for something to wear, go to the bathroom and head to get Elijah out of bed. He has no clothes on. At least his diaper is still on, but I see he's been pulling at that, too. It's soaked! I bring him upstairs with me and get him changed and dressed.

As I get out my packaged cinnamon rolls... I button shirts and zip zippers. I solve disagreements and wipe noses. I watch the clock and try to keep things moving so that we're ready when Kev comes back to get us around 10. (Our second car doesn't work so all six of our coordinating life around the one van...) Quickly, I run down and pull out some of Kev's dress shirts and hang them on the door for when he comes home after church and packs to leave for Minot's service tonight.
The kids are getting dresses when I notice that Hannie has on a different dress than what we'd all agreed on the night before. She looks alright but everyone else pretty much has on matching outfits - browns, pinks, and blues. Hannie decided that now she wants to wear a long, brighter orange dress. So we discuss that for a while and she keeps the orange-y. While the rolls fill the house with sweetness, I comb hair and brush hair and make one pony tail for Ruth and two pony tails for Hannie. I tie bows and buckle shoes. I comb my own hair and try to get myself dressed.
The bell dings! Cinnamon rolls are ready! Time to frost those sweeties and hand out plates. While they cool, I empty the dishwasher and clean up the table some more from the night before and listen to a book or joke or something... okay, so I didn't listen too good! As I frost the rolls, Hannie wants to help and Benjamin takes the plates to the table. The kids sit down to eat after everyone comes to the table and Eli gets buckled in his booster. Before I get to my own roll... forks are needed by some and milk, by all. We're low on cups and on forks so we have a mismatched table and Eli's not happy about the little fork he gets! He is, however, happy about the milk! "malako!"
Kevin comes home and says we need to be ready in a few minutes... we're cookin' so it's okay. He asks me about the service and the order and the power point that we just changed. We're hoping to sing a new song in Russian and that's been playing on the computer all morning. I have not had time to warm up my voice or sing it, but it has been playing! As Kevin trys to print out our name and info on the pledge forms, the printer decides to stop working. (Which matches the prayer cards we tried to print the day before because our new ones won't be in until Wed...)
I continue to try to finish dressing while I try to finish eating my yummy cinnamon roll, remember those sweet, delicious treats? Mmm... The kids are done eating and on the run again... cleaning up and finding lost shoes and coats. Kevin gets out cereal (but I'm not sure if he ever eats any...) and I start trying to gather my things and look to see if the kids have gathered their things. Blankies, diapers, sippy cup, bags, Bibles, still one lost shoe... By now I'm dressed except for shoes when the kids are making noise out in the van... "Buckle up!!" Ruth needs help and doesn't like her coat on! Elijah is already trying to take his shoes OFF and trying to fill his pants. I'm helping buckle car seats and Kevin's ready to boogie! "Boogie!"
I grab my coat and my Bible and wonder what the speaker will talk about today and remember it's me and Kevy speaking! :) Then I sit down for the first time all morning as Kevin backs out of the garage. I take a breath and lick the cinnamon off my finger. In the middle of the whirlwind, it's good to enjoy the sweetness.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
gift of geese

Kevin and I drove home from Williston today and as I watched a V of geese fly by I told him I'm really enjoying birds lately. Just then we all looked down the road and there was a cloud of birds on each side of the road! It was amazing. I've never seen so many birds flying together. Other cars had stopped to look, too, it was that cool. We opened the windows to hear them honking.
I told Kevin God is so funny like that. It's like when Kev goes out and comes back with a hot chai tea for me just because! Good one, God. I said that I liked the V so He gave me two clouds of birds to enjoy - just because.
I love Halloween! that I know more about it!
Last year I read the book, Redeeming Halloween, with the MOPS book club. Typically, we just celebrate Hannie's birthday on the 30th - Happy 6th Birthday to Hannie - and that's our biggest celebration of October. Plus we love our trip(s) to the pumpkin patch! Now that the kids are older we take part in the school's activity, Funanza, or whatever Harvest party the churches have going on. While we enjoy those fun things, we also try to avoid all the icky things on TV and in the stores and all over the place!!!
There are icky things to avoid but there are also so many more things for us as Christians to be celebrating.
Did you know that it was set aside as a "Christian festival" to be celebrated along with others marked on the calender like Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost! Way back in 610 AD it was marked on the calender on May 13th but a hundered years later it was moved to November 1st to counteract a pagan festival that was held then. (Christmas found it's place on the calender for the same type of reason!)
Origionally, there were several days marked out for individual Christian martyers and then the church combined it to one day of rememberance and called it "All Saints Day". To quote the book, "As those who believe in salvation through Christ alone, we owe a debt of honor to the faithfulness of those who stood firm in the face of death and established the church." Who knows where we'd be without the early Christians who stood firm for Christ in the face of death!
Halloween is "a meaningful time for the church to remember the early martyers."
October 31st, the party before the party, is also a time to, "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith." (Hebrews 13)
So today at supper time our family talked about Stephen, the first martyer mentioned in Acts 7. Then we talked about Daniel in the lion's Den and how he stood firm for the Lord. After talking about a martyer and a plain ol' Bible hero, we talked about people we know right now who live out their faith... Pastor Chris, Evan (Benjamin's school friend), missionaries we know...
Halloween is a good time to remember and honor the Christians years ago who stood firm in their faith and to encourage fellow believers and to pray for missionaries around the world!
What a great holiday!
--Another great book that's for kids is The Pumpkin Patch Parable by Liz Curtis Higgs... how just like a pumpkin, we grow, are picked, cleaned, and then shine with the light of Christ.
--Also... a site for today's martyrs:
Last year I read the book, Redeeming Halloween, with the MOPS book club. Typically, we just celebrate Hannie's birthday on the 30th - Happy 6th Birthday to Hannie - and that's our biggest celebration of October. Plus we love our trip(s) to the pumpkin patch! Now that the kids are older we take part in the school's activity, Funanza, or whatever Harvest party the churches have going on. While we enjoy those fun things, we also try to avoid all the icky things on TV and in the stores and all over the place!!!
There are icky things to avoid but there are also so many more things for us as Christians to be celebrating.
Did you know that it was set aside as a "Christian festival" to be celebrated along with others marked on the calender like Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost! Way back in 610 AD it was marked on the calender on May 13th but a hundered years later it was moved to November 1st to counteract a pagan festival that was held then. (Christmas found it's place on the calender for the same type of reason!)
Origionally, there were several days marked out for individual Christian martyers and then the church combined it to one day of rememberance and called it "All Saints Day". To quote the book, "As those who believe in salvation through Christ alone, we owe a debt of honor to the faithfulness of those who stood firm in the face of death and established the church." Who knows where we'd be without the early Christians who stood firm for Christ in the face of death!
Halloween is "a meaningful time for the church to remember the early martyers."
October 31st, the party before the party, is also a time to, "Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith." (Hebrews 13)
So today at supper time our family talked about Stephen, the first martyer mentioned in Acts 7. Then we talked about Daniel in the lion's Den and how he stood firm for the Lord. After talking about a martyer and a plain ol' Bible hero, we talked about people we know right now who live out their faith... Pastor Chris, Evan (Benjamin's school friend), missionaries we know...
Halloween is a good time to remember and honor the Christians years ago who stood firm in their faith and to encourage fellow believers and to pray for missionaries around the world!
What a great holiday!
--Another great book that's for kids is The Pumpkin Patch Parable by Liz Curtis Higgs... how just like a pumpkin, we grow, are picked, cleaned, and then shine with the light of Christ.
--Also... a site for today's martyrs:
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
God is God
Alpha and Omega,
Author and Finisher,
Bread of Life,
Chief Cornerstone,
Chief Shepherd,
Consuming Fire,
Ever Present Help,
Head of the Church,
Holy One,
Horn of Salvation,
Immanuel (God with us),
King of Kings,
Lamb of God,
Light of the World,
Living Water,
Lord God Almighty,
Lord Jesus Christ,
Lord of All,
Mighty God,
Morning Star,
Prince of Life,
Prince of Peace,
Resurrection and Life,
Righteous Judge,
Root of David,
Son of God,
Strong Tower,
Sun of Righteousness,
The Truth,
The Way,
The Life,
Wonderful Counselor,
Word of Life
Alpha and Omega,
Author and Finisher,
Bread of Life,
Chief Cornerstone,
Chief Shepherd,
Consuming Fire,
Ever Present Help,
Head of the Church,
Holy One,
Horn of Salvation,
Immanuel (God with us),
King of Kings,
Lamb of God,
Light of the World,
Living Water,
Lord God Almighty,
Lord Jesus Christ,
Lord of All,
Mighty God,
Morning Star,
Prince of Life,
Prince of Peace,
Resurrection and Life,
Righteous Judge,
Root of David,
Son of God,
Strong Tower,
Sun of Righteousness,
The Truth,
The Way,
The Life,
Wonderful Counselor,
Word of Life
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
sin is sin
"Sin is Sin." That phrase stuck out to me today during my Beth Moore Bible study since I'd just written how "People are people."
People are people; everyone loves and hurts and smiles and crys...
Sin is sin; whether it's anger or bitterness or adultry or murder...
James 2:10
"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."
The point of the study lesson was how God uses the enemy to sift the icky sin, big or "little", out of our lives. When we're struggling with something, it's probably because something needs to get out of our lives so that God can use us for greater things. As Beth Moore said - it needs to be "defused by God" so it's not "used by the enemy". Satan wants to use our weakness to make us believe that we're no good and to feel guilt and shame while God can use that as a time to purify us of the weakness to make us strong...
1 Peter 1:3-9
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In His great mercy He has given us new birth
into a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade -
kept in heaven for you,
who through faith are shielded by God's power
until the coming of the salvation
that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
In this you greatly rejoice,
though now for a little while
you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.
These have come so that your faith -
of greater worth than GOLD,
which perishes even though refined by fire -
may be proved genuine
and may result in praise, glory and honor
when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Though you have not seen him, you love Him,
and even though you do not see Him now,
you believe in Him
and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,
for you are receiving the goal of your faith,
the salvation of your souls."
People are people; everyone loves and hurts and smiles and crys...
Sin is sin; whether it's anger or bitterness or adultry or murder...
James 2:10
"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."
The point of the study lesson was how God uses the enemy to sift the icky sin, big or "little", out of our lives. When we're struggling with something, it's probably because something needs to get out of our lives so that God can use us for greater things. As Beth Moore said - it needs to be "defused by God" so it's not "used by the enemy". Satan wants to use our weakness to make us believe that we're no good and to feel guilt and shame while God can use that as a time to purify us of the weakness to make us strong...
1 Peter 1:3-9
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In His great mercy He has given us new birth
into a living hope
through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade -
kept in heaven for you,
who through faith are shielded by God's power
until the coming of the salvation
that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
In this you greatly rejoice,
though now for a little while
you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.
These have come so that your faith -
of greater worth than GOLD,
which perishes even though refined by fire -
may be proved genuine
and may result in praise, glory and honor
when Jesus Christ is revealed.
Though you have not seen him, you love Him,
and even though you do not see Him now,
you believe in Him
and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,
for you are receiving the goal of your faith,
the salvation of your souls."
Monday, October 16, 2006
people are people
"They're just big teddy bears!" That's what my Dad told me a long time ago when we walked past a bunch of bearded, leather clad motorcycle men. I thought about that and since then have applied his idea to others. People are people.
Today at the library, Ruth, Eli, and I saw a gal with a mask over her face. Ruth's comment was something like, "Look at her, Mommy! Silly!" I just told her that maybe she was sick and trying keep the germs away. "Yup, probably." She nodded a hello to us and on we went. People are people.
Then on the way out the door, I looked through the glass doors to see two bigger guys with dark gotees and big coats - smoking. The doors slide open for us to go out as they were there to come in. Just then, Elijah tripped over himself and fell right beside them onto the wet ground. They both stopped and one looked like he was about to help him up. I told them he'd be okay and they just smiled and went in as I put Eli back on his feet. People are people.
In 1 Samuel, I think it is, it says - Men look at the outward apperance but God looks at the heart. Maybe we should start looking at what God's looking at!
Today at the library, Ruth, Eli, and I saw a gal with a mask over her face. Ruth's comment was something like, "Look at her, Mommy! Silly!" I just told her that maybe she was sick and trying keep the germs away. "Yup, probably." She nodded a hello to us and on we went. People are people.
Then on the way out the door, I looked through the glass doors to see two bigger guys with dark gotees and big coats - smoking. The doors slide open for us to go out as they were there to come in. Just then, Elijah tripped over himself and fell right beside them onto the wet ground. They both stopped and one looked like he was about to help him up. I told them he'd be okay and they just smiled and went in as I put Eli back on his feet. People are people.
In 1 Samuel, I think it is, it says - Men look at the outward apperance but God looks at the heart. Maybe we should start looking at what God's looking at!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
garden delighting
Okay, so I didn't realize that I liked gardening that much until Benjamin asked for one. When we moved into our house, we asked what the kids would like since we were in a house, not an apartment. Benjamin said, "A Garden!" Humm... Okay. So we planted a little one out in the back yard in what used to be a little flower bed. We planted sunflowers and peas and carrots. Then the next summer, sunflowers, little watermelons, and mini pumpkins. We didn't get the carrots or peas planted and I was kinda bummed. But then, in the fall, when I was in the front of the house by our other little flower bed and noticed a strange looking "weed". It was a carrot! Apparently the kids had spilled the carrot seeds and they blew into the flower bed and along our sidewalk up to the house! I had to laugh as we were digging carrots out of the grass in the front yard! And smile because God knows our little desires as much as he knows our big desires and He enjoys delighting us!

Well, this summer, we planted nothing! Uff. We knew we'd be gone for at least a month during the middle of the summer and wouldn't be around to care for it. So we just let it sit. We did plant some bulbs in the front of the house which will probably wait until next spring to come up... but... that's another story! We got back from our traveling for a month, and noticed in the backyard right by the garage door where there's no garden or anything, there was a big plant of pink/purple hollyhocks!! Benjamin watched it grow outside his window, I guess! Heh. Pretty fun! What a treat.
I noticed that there never seem to be lots of flowers on the hollyhocks and figured it was jut because they were wild and not in a good spot... Then this week I saw why! Hannie loves to pick them and give them to her friends!! She's our gift giver...
Okay, one more gardening delighting story... We've had to spray our little garden patch a few times for weeds and grass, which has killed most everything else, too. Then we replanted what we wanted to go there. Well, the one thing I kinda liked were those soft, furry, Lambs Ears. I don' t know if that's the official name... but you know what I mean. Well, THEY keep coming back! I didn't know they were that hardy... but I dug the one up and brought it to the front so we could see it more often. Then this fall I noticed several baby ones coming up! What a delight. So we dug those up since the temprature is dropping pretty low here. And now I have two pots in the kitchen of those soft little plants that I enjoy! Isn't God sweet! He knows what you like, too... Keep an eye open!

(Guess what Beth Moore pointed out in the study we started last week... God is a gardner! HE planted the garden in Genesis... Neat, huh?)

Well, this summer, we planted nothing! Uff. We knew we'd be gone for at least a month during the middle of the summer and wouldn't be around to care for it. So we just let it sit. We did plant some bulbs in the front of the house which will probably wait until next spring to come up... but... that's another story! We got back from our traveling for a month, and noticed in the backyard right by the garage door where there's no garden or anything, there was a big plant of pink/purple hollyhocks!! Benjamin watched it grow outside his window, I guess! Heh. Pretty fun! What a treat.
I noticed that there never seem to be lots of flowers on the hollyhocks and figured it was jut because they were wild and not in a good spot... Then this week I saw why! Hannie loves to pick them and give them to her friends!! She's our gift giver...
Okay, one more gardening delighting story... We've had to spray our little garden patch a few times for weeds and grass, which has killed most everything else, too. Then we replanted what we wanted to go there. Well, the one thing I kinda liked were those soft, furry, Lambs Ears. I don' t know if that's the official name... but you know what I mean. Well, THEY keep coming back! I didn't know they were that hardy... but I dug the one up and brought it to the front so we could see it more often. Then this fall I noticed several baby ones coming up! What a delight. So we dug those up since the temprature is dropping pretty low here. And now I have two pots in the kitchen of those soft little plants that I enjoy! Isn't God sweet! He knows what you like, too... Keep an eye open!

(Guess what Beth Moore pointed out in the study we started last week... God is a gardner! HE planted the garden in Genesis... Neat, huh?)
what kids say
The other day when we were talking about outgrowing clothes, Hannie asked me, "What's a Hannie down?"
Then today we went down by the Red River to admire the fall colors and Hannie was standing by the gate on the dike shaking our hands and announcing to Ruth and Eli and I that this was the Red River and welcome and - it's even FREE! :)
Ruth doesn't care much for loud noises and usually gets spooked during a thunderstorm. After I had been down to her room several times to comfort her, I told her how some people imagine it's just angels bowling up in heaven... She looked up at me with creases between her eyebrows and said, "MY angels DON'T Bowl!"
Today when I told Ruth it was time to take a nap... way PAST time... and she had to go to the bathroom and then lay down, she wasn't too happy about it. She mumbled something and stomped down the hall. Just when she was out of view she said very loudly, "I - Said - STINKIN'!" Then added, "Heh." with great satisfaction.
Elijah is learning words and saying more. He's starting to string them together, too. Last night we went to Uncle Blake's to see Emmitt, our puppy! "Puppy, puppy, puppy..." And Eli said, "That? Puppy, Bed? Puppy out..." He's growing up so fast. Like they all do, I suppose! Then he tried to give Emmitt open mouth kisses during our whole stay as he poked, "Nose. Ear, Eye, Mouth..." Poor Emmitt loves Elijah but doesn't know quite what to do with him.
I love it when Hannie means to say, "I'm not..." and instead she says, "I Emmint..." :) Or would it be spelled "amn't"? Heh.
Benjamin was reading me his snake book for his 10 minutes of reading out loud for his homework and I was telling him, ick, ooh, yuck while looking at all these poisnious, huge snakes. He was laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes when he said, "Mom, be relieved. The snakes at the end aren't poisnious!" Heh... Be relieved.
Then today we went down by the Red River to admire the fall colors and Hannie was standing by the gate on the dike shaking our hands and announcing to Ruth and Eli and I that this was the Red River and welcome and - it's even FREE! :)
Ruth doesn't care much for loud noises and usually gets spooked during a thunderstorm. After I had been down to her room several times to comfort her, I told her how some people imagine it's just angels bowling up in heaven... She looked up at me with creases between her eyebrows and said, "MY angels DON'T Bowl!"
Today when I told Ruth it was time to take a nap... way PAST time... and she had to go to the bathroom and then lay down, she wasn't too happy about it. She mumbled something and stomped down the hall. Just when she was out of view she said very loudly, "I - Said - STINKIN'!" Then added, "Heh." with great satisfaction.
Elijah is learning words and saying more. He's starting to string them together, too. Last night we went to Uncle Blake's to see Emmitt, our puppy! "Puppy, puppy, puppy..." And Eli said, "That? Puppy, Bed? Puppy out..." He's growing up so fast. Like they all do, I suppose! Then he tried to give Emmitt open mouth kisses during our whole stay as he poked, "Nose. Ear, Eye, Mouth..." Poor Emmitt loves Elijah but doesn't know quite what to do with him.
I love it when Hannie means to say, "I'm not..." and instead she says, "I Emmint..." :) Or would it be spelled "amn't"? Heh.
Benjamin was reading me his snake book for his 10 minutes of reading out loud for his homework and I was telling him, ick, ooh, yuck while looking at all these poisnious, huge snakes. He was laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes when he said, "Mom, be relieved. The snakes at the end aren't poisnious!" Heh... Be relieved.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

After my last post about the kids, I figured that I should add a picture OF the kids! This is Elijah, Benjamin, Hannie, and Ruth. (Ruth's bangs are much shorter now since she decided to cut them at the church in Wallhalla, ND while I was speaking!!) This picture, though, was taken on our way to speak in Dickinson, ND. We stopped at Cracker Barrel for some big ol' lollypops! Hannie's been asking ever since she saw them out in Ohio! Pretty cool!
In case you hadn't heard, we are in fact traveling the state of North Dakota to raise support - prayers and finances - for our upcoming move to Russia to do missions work with an international campus ministry based in St. Petersburg! We are finding our time on the road to be pretty good for the most part. Other than Hannie walking off the platform when she decided she didn't want to sing the song with the other kids, Ruth running in and out of the side door at the front of the sanctuary while Kevin was speaking, and the above mentioned cutting of the hair... We have enjoyed meeting lots of people who love the Lord and getting a good taste of ND churches. We've seen more of ND than we ever have in the past, too. After growing up here, you'd think you'd have seen it all! Heh. It has been kinda tough to not be a part of our church family here in Grand Forks, too. Maybe more than I thought it would be. We still are involved with Wed night things but we really do miss seeing all our "family" on Sunday mornings. We're learning that church is really about family... our church family here in GF and our whole, big, wide church family in ND and around the world! Kinda cool.
Pray that we raise money fast and that others will remember to pray for us! We know we'll get overseas right "when the time comes" (how the Bible talks about time - coming...). But we would like to get there sooner rather than later in order to help the missionaries we're going to help and just to GET THERE! :)
God is faithful and His way is perfect.
Friday, September 08, 2006
too cute
I love kids... especially my own!
They make me laugh and make me think... they open our eyes to the delights all around us waiting to be delighted in.
Hannie sits at a small table in her kindergarten class with two other children and the other side of the table is open to see the teacher and board. Well, she LOVES teasing and told me that there are actually four at her table now.
"Oh, did you get another student in class?"
"No..." -giggle...
"Hannie, are you fibbing?!"
"No! Really there are four..." -more giggling...
"It's true; the fourth one is Jesus! He needs a place!"
Hannie is loving school! She's making friends. They get to paint and that's pretty cool. They're learning a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. (This week was "B" "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ...") And she also learned her official word this week - "at". She doesn't read books like crazy like Benjamin does but she loves to write things out, which Benjamin wasn't too interested in... She'll sound out words and write things down all by herself. One picture hanging on our wall right now reads, "i LUVU DAD B KUS YW LUKT RME BKS" Anyone? Translation: I love you, Dad, because you like to read me books.
Last night was Back to School Night for parents to see what the kids will be learning this year... I asked Benjamin what his 2nd grade teacher would have to say about him. He figured she'd say that he was doing good... but that the others could use some work! Hannie teased that her teacher would say that she was doing BAD! - giggles...
Benjamin still loves books and reading. He was so excited the other day because they had library at school and he checked out a "cool, gross book". It's about Hungry, Hungry Sharks. Heh. And one page showes sharks EATING a whale! Another page says the things that have been found in sharks bellies - one thing was a suit of armor!!
At meal time we can get into some good conversations. Ruth just asked, "Who is Jesus?" Well... that's an important question. I explained that He is God's Son and our Savior. He's preparing a place for us in heaven... Kevin was formulating an answer himself as we tried to think of a simple yet real answer for our three year old, when Hannie burst out - "He's the Rock of my Salvation!"
It's always interesting to have a child teach you with out them knowing it. Ruth told me the other day as we were talking about Jesus coming to the earth that she did NOT want to go to heaven. I quickly said, "That's why Jesus came... it'll be great to go to heaven!" "Well, I don't want to. I want to stay here." Which made me think... Jesus did come so that we could go to heaven but He also came that we might have abundant life now! (John 10:10) So I went on to explain to her and to reasure her that right now it's good to have her here and that when the time comes to go to heaven that it'll be good to have her there, too. Abundant life now and hope for the future...
Just looking at Ruthie is fun. She's got such expressions these days. We are enjoying some quieter time together now with the older two off at school. She loves to be read to. So that's been fun. Just to have her close and to have conversations with her as we go through books together.
Elijah's learning words and more words. He will repeat just about everything you say and is remembering more and more on his own, too. One of my favorites is "boogie". That's what I say when we need to go... and we are forever GOING... So now whenever it's time to pick up Hannie or pick up Benjamin or drop someone off I'll say, "Let's go!" and a little baby voice somewhere will reply, "Boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie..." Then when we take an exit ramp to get the kids to school, I'll turn kinda quickly and he exclaims from the back seat, "Wheee!" He also gives GREAT kisses. I love baby kisses.
Puppies are also the bomb. Especially Emmitt, Uncle Blake's puppy. While we were taking care of him on Labor Day while Blake was out of town, Eli decided that tackeling him was the thing to do. They both weigh about the same but it was so funny to watch Emmitt look back at Elijah and wonder what to do with this little thing laying across his back... Of course Elijah just grinned and laughed and clapped his hands...
Life. Joy.
They make me laugh and make me think... they open our eyes to the delights all around us waiting to be delighted in.
Hannie sits at a small table in her kindergarten class with two other children and the other side of the table is open to see the teacher and board. Well, she LOVES teasing and told me that there are actually four at her table now.
"Oh, did you get another student in class?"
"No..." -giggle...
"Hannie, are you fibbing?!"
"No! Really there are four..." -more giggling...
"It's true; the fourth one is Jesus! He needs a place!"
Hannie is loving school! She's making friends. They get to paint and that's pretty cool. They're learning a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. (This week was "B" "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ...") And she also learned her official word this week - "at". She doesn't read books like crazy like Benjamin does but she loves to write things out, which Benjamin wasn't too interested in... She'll sound out words and write things down all by herself. One picture hanging on our wall right now reads, "i LUVU DAD B KUS YW LUKT RME BKS" Anyone? Translation: I love you, Dad, because you like to read me books.
Last night was Back to School Night for parents to see what the kids will be learning this year... I asked Benjamin what his 2nd grade teacher would have to say about him. He figured she'd say that he was doing good... but that the others could use some work! Hannie teased that her teacher would say that she was doing BAD! - giggles...
Benjamin still loves books and reading. He was so excited the other day because they had library at school and he checked out a "cool, gross book". It's about Hungry, Hungry Sharks. Heh. And one page showes sharks EATING a whale! Another page says the things that have been found in sharks bellies - one thing was a suit of armor!!
At meal time we can get into some good conversations. Ruth just asked, "Who is Jesus?" Well... that's an important question. I explained that He is God's Son and our Savior. He's preparing a place for us in heaven... Kevin was formulating an answer himself as we tried to think of a simple yet real answer for our three year old, when Hannie burst out - "He's the Rock of my Salvation!"
It's always interesting to have a child teach you with out them knowing it. Ruth told me the other day as we were talking about Jesus coming to the earth that she did NOT want to go to heaven. I quickly said, "That's why Jesus came... it'll be great to go to heaven!" "Well, I don't want to. I want to stay here." Which made me think... Jesus did come so that we could go to heaven but He also came that we might have abundant life now! (John 10:10) So I went on to explain to her and to reasure her that right now it's good to have her here and that when the time comes to go to heaven that it'll be good to have her there, too. Abundant life now and hope for the future...
Just looking at Ruthie is fun. She's got such expressions these days. We are enjoying some quieter time together now with the older two off at school. She loves to be read to. So that's been fun. Just to have her close and to have conversations with her as we go through books together.
Elijah's learning words and more words. He will repeat just about everything you say and is remembering more and more on his own, too. One of my favorites is "boogie". That's what I say when we need to go... and we are forever GOING... So now whenever it's time to pick up Hannie or pick up Benjamin or drop someone off I'll say, "Let's go!" and a little baby voice somewhere will reply, "Boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie..." Then when we take an exit ramp to get the kids to school, I'll turn kinda quickly and he exclaims from the back seat, "Wheee!" He also gives GREAT kisses. I love baby kisses.
Puppies are also the bomb. Especially Emmitt, Uncle Blake's puppy. While we were taking care of him on Labor Day while Blake was out of town, Eli decided that tackeling him was the thing to do. They both weigh about the same but it was so funny to watch Emmitt look back at Elijah and wonder what to do with this little thing laying across his back... Of course Elijah just grinned and laughed and clapped his hands...
Life. Joy.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Psalm 103:2-5
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His BENEFITS:
-who FORGIVES all your sins
-and HEALS all your diseases
-who REDEEMS your life from the pit
-and CROWNS you with love and compassion
-who SATISFIES your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles
Whoo-hoo. We were encouraged to know those benefits last Sunday. I'd learned them a while back but was just refreshed to read them again. They are benefits for the children of God! And not just health care! (Although that seems to be included!) Heh.
This week, I especially liked the one about satisfying your desires with good things... so that your YOUTH is renewed like the eagles. "Jill" means "youthful" and so lately youth-y verses stick out to me! And to be renewed like the eagles! Just reading it is renewing! Heh. (The other youth verse that I have written down in my Bible is Isaiah 40:29-31 about ..."youths grow tired... but they that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up on wings like eagles..." Guess eagles and youth go together?! Heh.)
Forget not His benefits!
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His BENEFITS:
-who FORGIVES all your sins
-and HEALS all your diseases
-who REDEEMS your life from the pit
-and CROWNS you with love and compassion
-who SATISFIES your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles
Whoo-hoo. We were encouraged to know those benefits last Sunday. I'd learned them a while back but was just refreshed to read them again. They are benefits for the children of God! And not just health care! (Although that seems to be included!) Heh.
This week, I especially liked the one about satisfying your desires with good things... so that your YOUTH is renewed like the eagles. "Jill" means "youthful" and so lately youth-y verses stick out to me! And to be renewed like the eagles! Just reading it is renewing! Heh. (The other youth verse that I have written down in my Bible is Isaiah 40:29-31 about ..."youths grow tired... but they that wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up on wings like eagles..." Guess eagles and youth go together?! Heh.)
Forget not His benefits!
Top 10
Kevin and I celebrated our TENTH wedding anniversary on August 17th! Whoo-hoo!! Or as he likes to say, we celebrated the anniversary of our honeymoon... Heh. So I thought it'd be fun to list the top 10 reasons I like being married to Kevy bear! Here goes, in no particular order...
*Having a sleepover every night with your best friend
*Five lovely children
*Road trips
*Crawford family late night band
*A home to invite friends to
*Comfortable - dressed up or dressed down
*Nick names - my Kevy bear
*Laughing (& teasing)
*Waving on the overpass
*Growing - Iron sharpens iron
*Advice - always someone there for help
*Praying together
*Moving to Russia
*Abundant life!!
Okay, there's a few years to go on, too, I guess! I could come up with a ton but I'll just say that I love being married to Kevin! Here's to another 75 years!
*Having a sleepover every night with your best friend
*Five lovely children
*Road trips
*Crawford family late night band
*A home to invite friends to
*Comfortable - dressed up or dressed down
*Nick names - my Kevy bear
*Laughing (& teasing)
*Waving on the overpass
*Growing - Iron sharpens iron
*Advice - always someone there for help
*Praying together
*Moving to Russia
*Abundant life!!
Okay, there's a few years to go on, too, I guess! I could come up with a ton but I'll just say that I love being married to Kevin! Here's to another 75 years!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Queen of Heaven
Tonight as we were discussing heaven, and how we are actually princesses and princes (Cinderella days...) because God is the king and we are His children... the question came up - who is the Queen then?
"There is no Queen."
"Why not?"
"No one knows."
"Someone knows."
"God. He knows everything"
moment of thought...
"I know who is the Queen!"
"Grandma Helga!"
Grandma Helga just might be the queen, I told them. She was the darling elderly lady who sat across from us every Sunday in church. She passed away in March and the kids are thrilled to know that she is now running in heaven! Even though we do miss showing her our loose teeth and so forth...
Maybe now she is the queen.
"There is no Queen."
"Why not?"
"No one knows."
"Someone knows."
"God. He knows everything"
moment of thought...
"I know who is the Queen!"
"Grandma Helga!"
Grandma Helga just might be the queen, I told them. She was the darling elderly lady who sat across from us every Sunday in church. She passed away in March and the kids are thrilled to know that she is now running in heaven! Even though we do miss showing her our loose teeth and so forth...
Maybe now she is the queen.
Double Egg
A while back, we were going through a tight time financially (which never ends, really, I just happened to be a little worried about it then...). I was cooking supper, scrambled eggs, and I was half praying half thinking about how we were getting low on food and the pay check wasn t for a few days. As I counted out two eggs for each person and looked to see that we might be short an egg or two - I looked down to see the egg that I had just cracked open was a double egg!! That gave me the right count in my pan and a little more hope in my heart!
Well, tonight - there was that double egg again! Another reminder of God s provision! And this time it was not only one double, but two! So instead of me having two scrambled eggs, there were four in my pan! I just smiled, then laughed. Eli did, too. The girls came running to take a look...
Makes me think of the verse in Ephesians 3 abou how God able to do above and beyond all we ask or imagine. I hadn t even thought to ask for double eggs! And then there they were again, along with my double portion of hope.
Well, tonight - there was that double egg again! Another reminder of God s provision! And this time it was not only one double, but two! So instead of me having two scrambled eggs, there were four in my pan! I just smiled, then laughed. Eli did, too. The girls came running to take a look...
Makes me think of the verse in Ephesians 3 abou how God able to do above and beyond all we ask or imagine. I hadn t even thought to ask for double eggs! And then there they were again, along with my double portion of hope.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Lord of the Rings-HOPE
Have you seen the movie Lord of the Rings? I think Kevin's seen it something like five times. Now I have twice. After it came out on DVD, Kevin got the extended version and so last week we decided we should watch them all... it took us about a week! (Naptimes and bedtime...) Anyway.
Guys love the fighting and strength, girls love the love stories and the courage of the women. What we found we both loved this time was hope. If you've seen it, did you notice that? There are several times hope is mentioned, or even a speech is given about it! Courage and hope. Don't give up. My favorite hope part is the flower on the dead tree... if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about! Hope. Life. Don't give up.
The greatest of these is faith, HOPE, and love...
Guys love the fighting and strength, girls love the love stories and the courage of the women. What we found we both loved this time was hope. If you've seen it, did you notice that? There are several times hope is mentioned, or even a speech is given about it! Courage and hope. Don't give up. My favorite hope part is the flower on the dead tree... if you've seen it you know what I'm talking about! Hope. Life. Don't give up.
The greatest of these is faith, HOPE, and love...
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Lessons in a Public Restroom
Ok, so in June we spent two weeks in missions training in Springfield, MO. One afternoon, after just hearing, in some detail, about all the parasites and worms we would for sure experience overseas... and how we'd get used to planning our day around how our stomaches felt... I had to use the restroom! Between our classes I had a slight stomach ache. So just before next class and I headed to the bathroom. As I sat in there, I thought, "Man, I don't really like being here in the public restroom..." knowing I would probably be in several other public restrooms in other countries!! And then the thought came to me... Would you rather stay in your own home all comfy and cozy to use your own bathroom or would you like to live an adventure, chasing after abundant life in Christ - even if it could mean having to use an unfamiliar bathroom?! My choice was obvious. While that was not my favorite thing to do, I knew that excitment and life would be waiting for me. I'd rather live life to the full than to stay safe and know my own bathroom is handy! More to this life, right?! And I was back in class before the teacher began! He is faithful, even in the restroom! Heh.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
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