Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Take a moment to think about the following quiz that I took from a Beth Moore study:

-What type of media entertainment do you enjoy?

-List the TV programs you watch.

-What kind of music is aired on the radio stations you listen to most frequently?

-List the last five movies you have watched.

-What magazines and books do you have around your home?

Now using the following scale, place a 1 or 2 beside each form of media that you listed.

1. Honored God and encouraged my walk with Christ.
2. Fueled temptation and compromised godly character.

She goes on to say... Please consider deprogramming from all sorts of deceptive forms of media... and reprogram with the truth of God's Word.

Last night, I read in James 1
19. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
27. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Personally, I noticed my TV section needing the most work... I mean, really, what is on the TV that doesn't "fuel temptation and compromise godly character"?? Hello. (Most of my music and movies had something to do with Veggietales or Dan and Louie! Heh.) So even though I don't watch a ton of TV, what I do watch is not building me up in anyway. I think God does intend for us to watch good things, but where are we going to find it these days? The search now is harder than it was before. The evil is "so prevalent". Stand firm.

Beth Moore goes on to say...
I pray that you will consider maintaining a very active relationship with God through His Word for the rest of your life. We can't recognize lies if we don't know truth.

Four truths about God's precepts from Psalm 19:10-11
-more precious than gold
-sweeter than honey
-warning to servant
-great reward in keeping them

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