Well, this summer, we planted nothing! Uff. We knew we'd be gone for at least a month during the middle of the summer and wouldn't be around to care for it. So we just let it sit. We did plant some bulbs in the front of the house which will probably wait until next spring to come up... but... that's another story! We got back from our traveling for a month, and noticed in the backyard right by the garage door where there's no garden or anything, there was a big plant of pink/purple hollyhocks!! Benjamin watched it grow outside his window, I guess! Heh. Pretty fun! What a treat.
I noticed that there never seem to be lots of flowers on the hollyhocks and figured it was jut because they were wild and not in a good spot... Then this week I saw why! Hannie loves to pick them and give them to her friends!! She's our gift giver...
Okay, one more gardening delighting story... We've had to spray our little garden patch a few times for weeds and grass, which has killed most everything else, too. Then we replanted what we wanted to go there. Well, the one thing I kinda liked were those soft, furry, Lambs Ears. I don' t know if that's the official name... but you know what I mean. Well, THEY keep coming back! I didn't know they were that hardy... but I dug the one up and brought it to the front so we could see it more often. Then this fall I noticed several baby ones coming up! What a delight. So we dug those up since the temprature is dropping pretty low here. And now I have two pots in the kitchen of those soft little plants that I enjoy! Isn't God sweet! He knows what you like, too... Keep an eye open!

(Guess what Beth Moore pointed out in the study we started last week... God is a gardner! HE planted the garden in Genesis... Neat, huh?)
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