Saturday, May 29, 2010

car crash

We got into our second car "smash" ever this month. The last time was in Grand forks when Ruth was just a few months old! This time we were in Yerevan coming home from dance. Since you can rarely turn left across on-coming traffic, you have to drive up farther and then turn around in the middle of the road at a place marked for U Turns. Well we were driving home and suddenly the car in front of us stopped because it and several cars in front of us were making a U Turn. So we stopped, too.

When we stopped quickly, the car behind us did not. We're not sure if it was that car or the one behind him that hit first. But in the end, (ha) we got rear ended! Okay, so we can handle that... but first we have to wait, and wait, and wait...

We had just gotten lunch and ice cream to take home so as the kids and I sat in the car, we had lunch! Ha. We're in the middle of this busy street in a smash, eating ice cream. Couldn't just sit and watch it melt, right!? Kev called some of our friends to help us so he stood with Nick and Vahram talking to police and investigators and angry Armenians who were involved in the car accident along with many others who stopped to check out the accident!

So after about two hours of sitting there we were told to drive over to the parking lot but our car wouldn't start! Jump start.

Nick said he'd drive the kids and me home. But the day wasn't done for Kev. He had to then drive down to the police station with Vahram.

Five hours after our car accident, Kev was home with a promise that he'd be paid $100 to fix our bumper. The third guy in the back was the one to blame, apparently. (After he had hit the guy behind us he drove away! Hit and run... But he came BACK!? Because he wanted the guy in front of him to have to pay to fix his car. Hello?!)

Being the good wife that I am, there was a cold Mt. Dew in the freezer for my Kevy bear. And some aloe for my poor hubby's head... standing out in the sun all afternoon wasn't what we planned to do that day!

1 comment:

Jenilee said...

I know how I knew this story! I'd read it on your blog! :) lol so great to meet you and know your family when I read your blog now. :) glad you are back home safe from turkey!