Saturday, February 02, 2008

"no buggin"

On our way home from school/ballet the other day, I learned a new 10 commandment...

"No buggin'"

According to our sweet little Ruth, that is a very important commandment, especially when it applies to Elijah poking at Ruth!

When I told her it wasn't actually a 10 commantment, she replied that if it wasn't then it was something Jesus said... "'do to others as you want them to do to you'... and if you want them to be nice and if you want them to be mean - then you should be mean!" Just about! :) I told her we never want others to be mean to us, though, so we should never be mean to others.

Her bottom lip stuck out and her thumb was poked back into her mouth. I'm sure she was thinking that "no buggin'" SHOULD be a 10 commandment... Call it commandment 11.

(This pic is of her and Corduroy, the preschool class bear that comes home with each child a few times a year... important stuff!!)

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