Monday, October 16, 2006

people are people

"They're just big teddy bears!" That's what my Dad told me a long time ago when we walked past a bunch of bearded, leather clad motorcycle men. I thought about that and since then have applied his idea to others. People are people.

Today at the library, Ruth, Eli, and I saw a gal with a mask over her face. Ruth's comment was something like, "Look at her, Mommy! Silly!" I just told her that maybe she was sick and trying keep the germs away. "Yup, probably." She nodded a hello to us and on we went. People are people.

Then on the way out the door, I looked through the glass doors to see two bigger guys with dark gotees and big coats - smoking. The doors slide open for us to go out as they were there to come in. Just then, Elijah tripped over himself and fell right beside them onto the wet ground. They both stopped and one looked like he was about to help him up. I told them he'd be okay and they just smiled and went in as I put Eli back on his feet. People are people.

In 1 Samuel, I think it is, it says - Men look at the outward apperance but God looks at the heart. Maybe we should start looking at what God's looking at!

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