Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Being overseas taught us many things.  One thing that I've noticed in the past year back in the states is that we don't watch TV.  And if we do, it's purposeful...  something we've decided to do.  We hardly ever just turn on the TV to see what's on.  We got used to choosing a movie or watching an old TV series.  The kids love the Cosby show and Kev and I have been watching Monk!  (Thanks instant NetFlix.)

Charlie Brown and Squanto!  :)
On Thanksgiving day we saw Charlie Brown had two shows airing.  Every time a commercial cut in, the kids were surprised and moaned!  Ha.  I thought it was really funny.  They totally are not used to commercials interrupting their shows!  After about the 4th or 5th commercial, Benjamin says sarcastically, "So it's Black Friday tomorrow..."  Hi, repeat yourself much?!  Ha.

Besides it being interesting to me, and funny, too, I got to thinking...  really we've spared them from so much wanting this and needing that.  They are pretty content with what they have.  They're surprised at all that other friends have.  They don't see all the images of what you should do and what you should look like and what you should have.  They just are.  Nice.  (They do want IPods...  heh!  Music is big at our house...)

Our family devotions this week was about commercials and how we should watch what we put in our head and watch what we think we need...  One of the questions was something like, Why do you want what you want?  The kids said because it was something that we've talked about.  Because Mom mentioned it!  (Nothing to do with commercials...)

I like that our family is the desire maker right now for our kids!  Heh.  And hopefully we can stay grounded in what the Lord desires for us.  He is the One who meets our needs and delights us with our desires, too!  What are we letting repeat itself until it becomes our desire?  Let us hunger and thirst for You, Lord, surround ourselves with You...  choose what we tell ourselves we need...

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