Friday, February 25, 2011

Elijah's SIX years old!

me and my birthday boy
My baby boy turned six years old this January!  Crazy!  Our little bitty baby boy...  growing up so big!  Benjamin had three little siblings by the time he was six  (just before he turned six!) and he was our big boy!  Lijah's the baby of the family (so far) and I think it surprises me even more to realize just how big he's getting to be!

Elijah is a little love bug.  He loves to kiss and snuggle and hug...  at night he'll tell me that in the morning, I shouldn't worry, he'll come and snuggle me a long time!  Heh.  He talks, talks, talks...  all the time!  He's always asking, "Can I tell you something?" before he actually tells us!  I try to be sure to say, "You can tell me anything, baby!" in hopes that he'll always remember that!

Mr. Kindergarten!  Lijah is enjoying reading, and cutting, and counting!  However, he does not enjoy writing!  Boo.  :)

He is big into his Star Wars Legos game on the Wii.  We have had to cut back some because little boys need a break from light sabers once in a while!!

I think Elijah has had the hardest time coming back to the US.  I forget that it's all new to him.  We went to Dairy Queen the other day and he said, "I like THIS place!  We should come here again!"  Heh...  Yup.  He's talking more about, "When we go back to Armenia..."  and things like that lately, too.  But overall, he's doing well and enjoying being back in the states.

For the birthday boy's party, we went to the McDonalds here in Williston with Grandma and Papa.   The kids had a great time.  Then we came home to have presents and cake and Wii time!  He figured it was a pretty good birthday.  He got a Superman doll and a Jessie doll, too, from Toy Story!  Howdy Partner!!

We love our Superman!  So glad we were blessed 6 years ago with another little, beautiful boy!

I love my Dad!
A week or so later, my Dad celebrated his birthday!  We missed his 70th birthday last year so we were glad to get to hang out with him and enjoy ice cream cake this year.  So thankful to be here celebrating Dad.  When I asked him if he didn't like getting old he said, "Well, if you wanna live, you're gonna get old."  Yup.  I love my simple, wise Dad!!  I'm thankful that he's getting old...  I guess!!

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