-Left Armenia
-Packed all our things and our dog
-Flew over the ocean
-30 some hours in airplanes/airports
-Left home to come back home
-Left Autumn to come back to winter
-Reunited with family
-Bestamor died
-Given money to adopt!
-Hellos, Goodbyes...
-Coming, Going
-Highs, Lows
-Happy, Sad, Lonely, Excited, Confused, Nervous, Thankful, Blessed, Broke, Hurt, Encouraged, Exhausted...
December 6th, 2011
-Living in our hometown, 2 bedroom house
-Settled but squished
-Daily routines, school, work, ministries...
-Baby on the way (no adoption yet)
-Still paying off the flight home...
-Working like 5 jobs
-Church family of believers
-Immediate family close by
-Missing family/friends in Armenia
-Surrounded by snow, thinking of Autumn
-Happy, Sad, Lonely, Excited, Confused, Nervous, Thankful, Blessed, Broke, Hurt, Encouraged, Exhausted... :) We are still a lot of the same things although now at different stages...?!
We have been so blessed this year. And so needy. Can both of those things happen at the same time? This year, it seems to be so. We are thankful that we serve a God who knows what we need and knows how we feel... and LOVES us. He has provided for us in wild ways this year. We are learning what it is to be content in every situation... even when the situation holds both plenty and want at the same time. (Phil 4:12) We have a home, food, vans (someone just gave us their old van!!), family, the kids are at the Christian school...! Sometimes we just shake our heads... even when it seems like we're just getting by - we're always getting by! And then along come surprises and blessings! Like the gift of a van! Or the gift of a check in the mail. Or food at the door. Or baby things! Or a friend's encouragement. Or a Word spoken to us in quiet time... We are learning to trust the One who knows. And to wait for His timing... (that's hard... why is He always trying to teach me to wait... that seems like a theme... maybe it will always be my theme until we're actually "Home"? Hum...)
Thankful to be "home" in North Dakota and missing our "home" in Yerevan. Thankful for the abundant life God has ordained for us! (John 10:10) (Psalm 139:16) Today I am pondering the past and looking ahead... Lord, go before and behind. I'm so glad you are Immanuel, God with us!