Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Let Your Attitude BE our Attitude!

We finished memorizing our fall verses a couple weeks ago... but just got them recorded this week.  While we're memorizing verses, they usually make it into our prayers during the day, too...  With the Hebrews 11 (12) verses, I ended up praying, "Help us Fix our eyes on You the author and perfecter of our faith..." every night.  It just kinda came out, it wasn't really planned.  But that's what happens when you're studying/memorizing His Word.  It just kinda sticks in there and comes out!  Heh!  :)  Now that we've been studying Matthew 5:1-12, about the Beatitudes, the part that's found it's way into our prayers each day is that our attitude would be His attitude!  Let us be like You, Lord!  You are so good.  So merciful, and pure, and compassionate...  We wanna be like you!  :)  Blessed and happy!  The meaning of "Beatitude" is blessed or happy!  Good stuff!

And now, here they are, the fabulous Crawford kids!  :)

We did two takes... I kind of liked the first one better; they all liked the second one better!  :)  So this is the second one for you to see!  This was taken in our kitchen area, by the girls bedroom door.  We have our morning opening here every, well, morning!  :)  Heh.  (Notice our music studio, or living room, in the back right?!  Sweet...)  The younger two were a little distracted by the cards that I made while we were learning it.  I thought if I let Lijah be in charge of them it might keep him in place a little better...?!  They all know them anyway.  And we had fun learning.  Whoot.  The Beatitudes, the Beatitudes!

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