Saturday, October 23, 2010

Garden of Eden/Car Crash...

Elijah picked "Genesis" for his devotion this week.  I wondered which story he wanted.  After thinking for a minute he said, "The one with the snake."  So I read from the kids' Bible story book about the Garden of Eden, the poor choice Eve made when she listened to the snake and ate the fruit, and how sad everyone was afterwards.  Separation.  Tears.  Hard work.  No more garden.  I thought Elijah just might even cry after the story.  So sad.

Then the question came, "Why didn't God just FORGIVE them??"
Okay, we're getting into some deep theological conversation now.

With four little listening ears, I need to come up with a wise, simple answer to this big question.  They're still slurping up their cereal and drinking their juice.  I think for a minute.  Okay.  Let me come up with something applicable.  Another story.  Here goes:

"What if Daddy tells me that the car has a problem and I shouldn't drive it for a few days.  Simple.  Don't drive the car right now.  Later, I decide that I need to go to town to buy something important.  I figure it's fine.  It'll be a quick trip.  No biggie.  I take the car."

Their eyes get big.

"I get in the car and drive down the highway.  I'm just a little ways away from our house and whatever is broken goes out and the car won't do what I want it to.  I crash into a pole and the car is ruined."

Oh no!

"I call Daddy and say - I took the car and had an accident.  The car is ruined and I'm stuck down the road."

Oh mama...

"Daddy would ask if I was okay and would come to get me.  He would love me and could forgive me right away.  But when we look at the car, it would still be smashed.  We would either not have the car back, or we would have to wait for weeks for it to be fixed.  It would cost a lot of money.  The consequence for my action will still be there, even though Daddy still loves me."

Heads nod.

"What did God do to make things right again for us?  He wants to be with us and us to be with Him.  How did he make that possible again?"


"Yes, Jesus came to earth to fix what was wrong.  To make things right.  The consequence of sin is still there.  But so is forgiveness.  He's never stopped loving us.  Things have been and will be made new again.  Because of Jesus."

Consequences.  Because of our choices
Love.  Always from God.
Forgiveness.  Because of Jesus.

1 comment:

jenny said...

wow!what a simple story bt how much depth was in it..lo8d it n thnks 4 answering it 4 me too.amazing!love it!