So many of our blessings here come from our friends. One friend of ours said that whenever he's with our family he goes away smiling. He's walking down the street smiling and people are looking at him wondering why he's smiling. Heh. :)
Another friend of mine said that before I started taking the girls to dance with her, the lobby type area where all the moms wait was always quiet and serious. Now everyone's talking and smiling. Don't know if that's all my doing... but still encouraging! :) She also said that her daughter says she thinks she should be more friendly like Jill! Ha. She said she likes how I love people and she is trying to say, "I love you" more! I guess some women in Armenia have even been told not to tell their husbands I love you too much!? hello. If you know me, you probably know that I love you! :)
Another one of my sweet, jans skyped me: " just I want to tell, the special heart that you have, it is visible, it is clear and it is shown so big. You know Jill jan I am not seeing you often but every time when i think and sms and talk with you I feel so happy." ENCOURAGING ME! And I feel the same back at her, too.
That's all encouraging to me because before we came, I'd heard someone say that when they were overseas people asked them why they were so happy and what made the difference. They could see Jesus in them. I made the comment that I'd love to have that happen to us!
I've also received a couple letters and things from the states... Proverbs 25:25 - Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.
And we're so blesse

Homeschooling is a blessing. I love this time with my kids! Love. it. (Don't love all the papers to grade! but I love being with them and knowing more of their hearts...)
Kevin has been so blessed to work with a few good worship bands here. He was told that one group feels like they're on the edge of something big and they thanked him for being a part of that. People who probably wouldn't have been involved before are getting opportunities to be involved now. That's exciting.
Being at the orphanage is a blessing. To us and to our kids. What a great chance for them to learn and be stretched and to just plain ol' PLAY! We're loving the kids and the sisters up there. So glad we had that open door. The girl we'd thought we'd adopt... she's adorable and such a honey and we'd still be open to it if the opportunity should present itself. But really, we are glad someone wants to adopt her. I'm happy she'll be in a family and pray that they are a family who loves Jesus. She's so smart and sweet but has physical disabilities. That's tough here. Anywhere. But here things aren't set up for wheelchairs, etc... So even though we were kinda discouraged and sad, in the end we really are happy for her. Bless her, Lord.

Even though we have had just one donation to our adoption fund, I have a lovely friend, Miss Beverly, who is having her own fundraiser for our adoption. So blessed. So humbled. If you're interested in checking that out... She makes LOVELY homemade cards.
When we opened our adoption account, I told Kevin that I feel like the Lord's saying that it might not come in little by little, but perhaps a lot at once? Maybe. But while we wait to see I want to keep my head up and on the One who knows it all. Be strong and courageous. Don't be discouraged.
Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
It's a command! :)
So many other reasons to rejoice and celebrate! Just thought I'd throw a few out there for you to rejoice over with us! :) (Maybe it's good for me just to type up a few good things for my own benefit!) God is stretching us and drawing us into a deeper relationship with Him and we want that more than we want our own desires. We're still following Him close and excited to see what He has next.
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