A couple months back, someone sent Kevin $5000 to use for growing Armenian worship teams! Whoot! So now we've got a music room set up in our basement (by the washer and dryer) complete with drums, guitars, a base, keyboard, recording stuff... Three nights this week we have people coming over for guitar lessons and practice. He'd like to get a few more groups plugged in, too! It's exciting.
The kids and I just had devotions together the other day from 2 Chronicles 20 about Jehoshaphat. After he inquired of the Lord, the Lord said, basically: Go, be there, and I will win the battle. They sent the musicians out first singing, "Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures forever." The battle was won before they even got there! (The enemies turned and fought each o
(The kids loved that "phat" part of Jehoshaphat's name... Benjamin said if he named his kid that, he could call him "phatty!" Heh! The girls wondered what would happen if he was skinny... but called fatty... lots of laughter from all of them over the whole thing...)
-The first pic is a guitar lesson... the second is us trying out the mics with Daddy for our morning worship! We're helpers!
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