~Crazy Crawfords~
Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy.
Embracing Crazy...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Spacious Place
Quite a while back, I'd read a few verses about a spacious place. These verses came back to me on our recent trip up to Georgia. We're driving through these winding, mountain roads. The kids and I all have some small to larger cases of motion sickness. So this time we took some motion sickness pills (after having one child who was throwing-up motion sick on the last trip up there!). We twist and drive and turn and breath. Heh. It's really pretty but when you're motion sick, it takes away from that a little bit. The roads can be narrow in places. We drive along the edge of drop offs with cars coming toward us in the other lane. The roads are also usually rough with construction or just rough because they're worn out! This road north also has three tunnels that we get to drive through. We like tunnels... they're kind of exciting. But these are dark, pot-holed tunnels. One really looks like you're driving through a cave! (And it also has a ginormous pothole in the middle of it!)
So now that you have an idea of the mountain roads, let me get on to my point. After a couple hours of all the twisting and bumping, we get over the mountain passes and it starts to level off... then there's a really pretty place where you can look back and see the snow capped mountains behind you and a river with some flat land and green grass beside the road. It's pretty. Pretty and spacious. We've passed all the twists and turns and now we can see out a ways. (Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm from North Dakota and we can see forever there, but...?) I like getting to that place in the drive.
Psalm 31:8. "You have not handed me over to the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place." (You give me relief.)
Psalm 18:19 (and Deut 22:20) "He brought me out into a spacious place... He rescued me because He delighted in me."
My enemy isn't completely like David's... I don't have someone with a spear chasing me or a whole army looking for me. Heh. But I have questions that aren't answered. I wonder about the future. I am unsure sometimes. I can't see around the next curve. I don't like it. I like to see out ahead of me... I know the verses about how His Word is a lamp onto our feet and I've thought about how it doesn't say it's a beacon into the future! But also I like that the Lord says that even now, in this life, there will be spacious places for us. We will be brought out into them and our feet will walk into the spacious place. We will see and understand a few things. Maybe not all things... but at some time, we will see some space.
Isaiah 33:17 "Your eyes will see the King in His beauty and view the land that stretches afar."
Our eyes should be longing to see the King in His beauty... after that, we get to view the land that stretches afar. Focus. My eyes so often want to see what's next. I'm learning to look for the beauty of the King, trusting that in time He will show me more. More of Him and more of His plan for us. Good plans... future and hope plans. Spacious places...
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