~Crazy Crawfords~
Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy.
Embracing Crazy...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Zaccheus was a...
Elijah loves the song about Zaccheus. So when we studied it in our Bible Facts book during our Bible time, he was pretty excited. We sang the song a few times and did the actions... all that good stuff. Then we read about Zaccheus. After we read, the thought came to my mind.. Here's this cheat who no one likes that Jesus loved. His life was changed. Who knows what else he did after Jesus left (besides pay everyone back more then double what he'd cheated). We can guess that he was a kind, good man who walked in the way of the Lord. And now, 2000 years later, we have this goofy kid's song that everyone knows him by. I wonder if he ever dreamed that he would be known as that "wee little man" to millions of people!
So I threw out the question to the kids... What do you suppose people will sing about us in the future? We laughed about basic things like having red hair and blue eyes (because he's described as little...). Then we came up with our very own Zaccheus song for our family... it's too cute so let me type it up to share with you!
The Crawfords were a family A missions family They packed and moved to Yerevan The Lord they wanted to please And as they read the Word of God The Bible told them this: -God said: Crawfords: You trust Me For I'll always be with you... I'll always be with you.
What will we be known for to those who follow us 2000 years from now!? :)
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