Do you ever have one of those moments when, say, you're teaching your kids and then you realize that the Lord probably prompted them to ask you that so that you'd hear your own words and, thus, teach yourself?! :)
Benjamin overheard me tell someone that it was "under her nose" the other day. "What's that mean?!" Well... I explained... "When someone's looking and looking for something and then they find it in an obvious place we say it was right under their nose. Obvious. In front of them." Sometimes we look so hard for an answer and it's right in front of us! Hummm, Lord...
One other time this week, I was helping one of my kids with a sore on the top of their hand. I was right in front of them and while I was busy trying to turn their hand down toward me to apply ointment, they were busy trying to pull it up so that they could see what I was doing (and if I was doing it right...) I told them in a motherly way... "Stop doing that! You don't need to see... I do! I'm taking care of you. Trust me." Hummmm, Lord.....
Keep your ears open! Next time you're teaching someone... the lesson might just be intended for you! :)
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