First, I had some foot infection between my pinky toe (and the one next to it... does that toe have a n
--The pic is just to show you my foot's okay now! :)
I've also had the typical sneezey allergies. One day I rode the taxi into town with Marine and Nadela after they were here to tutor/babysit and as we rode I think I sneezed like 40 times! I don't know if it was just spring pollen or dust in the taxi or maybe cigarette smoke (LOTS of smokers here!)... I dunno but I about blew my head off during that 20 minute ride into town! Heh.
Then just before we left for Turkey, I got some big rash type thing all over! Can you believe it? We had friends over the day before and I swept all over the house and moped and cleaned... and it was hot so I was sweaty... I did change my clothes but didn't take a whole shower. Then that night after our friends left, I noticed some white, itchy bumps on my neck. I've gotten one or two small mosquito type white bumps ever since I was little and we've thought it was an allergy to cats... But these small bumps got bigger and bigger. Of course, our electricity went out that night so there was no hot water for me to take a good shower! I rinsed off the best I could and did shower when the hot water came back! But the next day... I was all itchy and the white bumps were getting bigger and all over me! I put our aloe vera on and laid in bed (the day before we left for Turkey when we had tons of packing to do...)! That night I got some Allegra from Nick's and Olivia's place and that seemed to help. But when we left the next morning for Turkey, I still had a few fading bumps... By the time we got to Turkey it all seemed to be gone and they haven't come back since then.
So I guess I'm officially allergic to cleaning! Poor me, huh?! ;)
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