Ruth officially finished her last day of Kindergarten on Saturday! Whoo! She is now on her way to 1st grade! Wow. She's learned to read and write (in cursive!) and add and subtract! We're still working on tying shoes... but overall she's all set! It's been hardest for her to be homeschooled, I think... she's so active and tactile and relational... Hannah would like friends to do school games with and Benjamin would love to play some sports with his buddies. But we can tell that Ruth enjoys learning more with people and while doing things! She has done well, though, even as the only kindergartner here! She also went to an Armenian preschool (Inchuig) two days a week with our tutor's daughter. She got to graduate from Inchuig last week with some of her Armenian friends. She did great there but it was overwhelming, too! She made some friends but with the language barrier, she was pretty shy! We're proud of her for being out there doing her best!
Hannah has gotten so responsible! She is enjoying writing; she is creative and artistic. This year she told me she loves Math, too! Go, girl! (That isn't my strongest subject...) She has always loved the singing and Bible part of school and will watch those parts over again while she does her seatwork. After school she loves to play school with Ruth and Elijah (and Benjamin when he'll do it!). She says she wants to be a teacher! Hopefully next year we'll be able to hook up with another missionary family that has a boy and girl in between Benjamin and Hannie. Then they'll have some friend time and Hannah will like that! Daddy has also begun to teach Hannah some piano lessons! She's excited about that.
Benjamin loves to learn. Even when he's not doing school, he's reading a book or watching a documentary about the states or the presidents. He loves knowledge! I wouldn't have to do anything to help him in school but say - Go! Learn! and he would! Math is the one subject that has been harder for him. We're doing the whole Abeka curriculum and at the school they were at before they used some Abeka, but not their math. So he switched curriculums for that subject and this has been a little harder for him.... Again, not my strong suit so Daddy and Benjamin have spent some time together with Math. For science and history he got to study some of his favorite things this year: the ocean, space, the Civil War... I think that before he did the class he knew more then what they taught him! He's read and studied all those things a lot already! Heh. Right now we're doing the Iowa Basic Tests! Go Benjamin!
Next year Elijah will be old enough for Preschool - four years old! We're still trying to figure out just what we'll do for him. I have done some numbers and letters with him but nothing serious. He's learned a lot just living with four older siblings! And now he's learning some Armenian, as well! Pretty cool for a little guy.
We've enjoyed homeschooling and are preparing to order next years curriculum any day now! What an accomplishment for the Crawford family! A year of Homeschooling under our belt! :)