Saturday, November 03, 2007

yellow makes me sing

Okay... gotta tell you guys some quick, cute kiddo stories for a minute! :)

The other day, when the kids and I were driving home from Wed night church (Kev was still with the youth group...), the van's gas-tank-is-low light came on. Usually that means there's a few miles left to go before it's out (although I've never actually run all the way out!). But when Benjamin saw the light on, he figured we needed gas right away! Since it was like 9:00 on a school night, I chose to just go right home and worry about the gas the next day. As I drove past the gas station on the way home, I hear a little 8 year old boy voice from the back seat, "Mooommmm, are you being foolish??" Ha. Maybe... but it was a hoot to hear it from my little Benjamin! (BTW, we did make it home, no problem!)
Elijah is really enjoying singing lately. He sings, "Blessed name the Lord... Blessed name the Lord!" (Blessed be the name of the Lord...) And he still love "I'll fly away, oh Louie, I'll fly away..." One of his favorites from a Veggie CD we have is "Oh Shenandoah, I long to see you... long to see your rolling river... AWAY! I've found a way across the wide Missouri." Kev loves to hear our little guy sing that one. Heh.
Lijah's also learning grown up phrases... you almost gotta hear him say them... but just picture a little two year old in pullups... :)

"Lijah, do you have to go to the bathroom?"
"Not really."
"Lije, come sit at the table"
"In a minute."
"Eli, it's time to go inside."
"No way!" (Not just the simple "no" anymore!)

Those are just a few examples! Heh.

Ruthie came home from school the other day and told me, "Triangles are CUTE." Heh. Yup, I guess they are!

After church a week or two ago, I heard Hannie singing, "Yellow makes me sing..." I thought, triangles are cute and now yellow makes us sing... then figured out from the song we'd sang that morning in church... "hallelujah, hallelujah, Your love makes me sing..." She said, "Ohhhh!" (But don't mention it to her... she does NOT like feeling like she's being laughed at... she was okay with us laughing a second over how cute it was. but...)


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