Tuesday, September 28, 2010

5 o' Clock and Alllll is Wellll...

6 o' Clock and Alllll is Wellll...

The kids like the cartoon of Robin Hood.  Toward the end of the movie, they're sneaking into the king's castle to take all his gold and there are guards keeping watch.  Every hour the guards announce 7 o' Clock and Allll is Welllll.  Although they weren't very good at keeping watch (Robin Hood snuck in and got all the gold), that phrase has been a good reminder around our house.  The kids got that stuck in their heads and every once in a while, after they've checked the clock, they'll make their own announcement:  8 o' Clock and Allll is Wellll...  :)

I love that they can say that All is Well in the Crawford home.  As Christians, we have the freedom to announce that All is Well, too.  The reason that All is Well?  Not that circumstances are always great.  Or that our family is always happy.  Or that the sun is always shinning.  Why are we always able to announce that all is well?  Because we know Whom we have believed in.  (2 Tim. 1:12)  We trust in a God who has everything under control.  He loves us.  He is powerful.  He is all knowing.  He sees us.  He cares.  He is with us.

Robin Hood has reminded me of the hymn, It is Well With My Soul:

It Is Well With My Soul
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life,
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
But Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
Horatio Spafford

I was just going to share the first stansa since that's the most famous... but it's all so good.  Skim it if you want to...  or read through it all.  Then do the same for the story I found on Wikapedia:

"It Is Well with My Soul" is a very influential hymn penned by hymnist Horatio Spafford and composed byPhilip Bliss.
This hymn was written after several traumatic events in Spafford’s life. The first was the death of his only son in 1871 at the age of four, shortly followed by the great Chicago Fire which ruined him financially (he had been a successful lawyer). Then in 1873, he had planned to travel to Europe with his family on the SS Ville du Havre, but sent the family ahead while he was delayed on business concerning zoning problems following the Great Chicago Fire. While crossing the Atlantic, the ship sank rapidly after a collision with a sailing ship, the Loch Earn, and all four of Spafford's daughters died. His wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram, "Saved alone." Shortly afterwards, as Spafford traveled to meet his grieving wife, he was inspired to write these words as his ship passed near where his daughters had died.
Bliss called his tune Ville du Havre, from the name of the stricken vessel.
The Spaffords later had three more children, one of whom (a son) died in infancy. In 1881 the Spaffords, including baby Bertha and newborn Grace, set sail for Israel. The Spaffords moved to Jerusalem and helped found a group called the American Colony; its mission was to serve the poor. The colony later became the subject of the Nobel prize winning Jerusalem, by Swedish novelist Selma Lagerlöf.

Whatever you're going through, you, too, can say All is Well!  As believers, we always have hope.  Hope that God has good plans and is working things out in our lives.  And ultimately, we have hope that one day, all will be just as it should be when we are Home.  This gives us peace for this hour, too.
9 o' Clock and Allll is Welllll, with my soul.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Good Shepherd's Voice

This past week, Kevin and I studied John 10.  He prepared a sermon for church, I prepared a short devotional for devotions at the office.  Here's my take on it:

John 10:3-4
The watchman opens the gate for [the shepherd],
and the sheep listen to his voice.
He calls his own sheep by name
and leads them out.
When he has brought out all his own,
he goes on ahead of them,
and his sheep follow him
because they know his voice.

The Shepherd/Jesus: Comes, Calls, Leads
We: Listen, Follow, Know (Him/His voice)

Shepherds in the Bible just spoke and the sheep followed. They didn't poke and push from behind like we saw shepherds in the fields doing as we drove up to Georgia! :) Maybe that's part of the reason that David sang to his sheep...? So they'd know his voice.

1 Samuel 3:10
Then Samuel said, Speak for your servant is LISTENING.

He had heard God call (asked Eli for advice...) and then he had to respond by listening to what He said.

Isaiah 50:4b-5
He wakens me morning by morning,
wakens my ear to LISTEN like one being taught.
The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears,
and I have not been rebellious;
I have not drawn back.

By not applying what we've heard, or listening to what He's said, we are rebelling!

For example, if Kev and I have a conflict, or you do with your family or friends... the Holy Spirit (our reminder John 14:26) may remind you of the verse, "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry." from the book of James. (Maybe you "happened" to read it that morning?) Do you listen to that reminder, or do you draw back from it and rebel? It's not always an easy thing He reminds us to do... 'cause he's not just all about easy, but about good and right...

Psalm 95:6-7
Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;
for he is our God
and we are the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.
Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah,
as you did that day at Massah in the desert,

Meribah means quarrling
Massah means testing

-Could quarreling and testing could be a sign of a hard heart?

He Calls Us by Name (cool!) -John 10:3
-examples: Samuel, Moses and the burning bush, Martha working hard..., Lazurus come out!, Zacchaeus in the tree, Mary at the tomb, Saul - why are you persecuting me?
US, too! He knows our name and what it is we need to hear...

His Voice is Thunders, is powerful, and majestic, but still can be a quiet whisper, as with Elijah...

Enemy: Temptation/Garden of Eden
-Took God's Word and twisted it
-Father of lies... creates doubt concerning what God said
-makes you think he's thinking about you... makes you think all about you... (you're hungry - Jesus... you'll be wise - Eve...)
-He doesn't care for you... wants to get back at God (ex. Job)

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
(Abundant Life!) Blessed with all His good gifts for us!

He: Comes, Calls, and Leads
We: Listen, Follow, Know

Col. 3:16
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly...

Psalm 119
...I have hidden Your word in my heart...

Jer. 33:3
Call unto me and I will answer you.

If we want to know His voice, we need to put our self in a position to hear Him.  Hide His word in your heart!  Be quiet! He wants us to hear his voice. Everyday he has something new to say to us... To encourage, challenge, teach (to teach us or for us to use teach someone else!). To humble us, or guide us. To give wisdom or direction... To prepare us for something we're about to face! To encourage us to pray for someone else who needs our prayers... On and on...  For us, lately, it been a lot about - just know Me!  Know that I am God.

Challenge: This week, ask the Lord to give you a verse each morning (or whenever you have your time with the Lord), and write it down on a piece of paper. Put it where you'll see it during the day... watch to see how God will speak to you when you are listening! :)

Let's remain in Him and let His words remain in us!  (John 15:7)  I want to open my ear to listen like one being taught!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Anniversary to us!

The summer of 1993, Kevin and I became good friends.  We were part of our youth group's worship band together and hung out a lot at the church practicing and preparing for each weeks worship service.  Then in the fall we went to a DC Talk/Audio A. concert in Bismarck with our youth group!  Woot!  On the way back, we shared our first kiss.  The next day we were back up at the church and as we sat in the foyer visiting, Kev popped the question, "So.  Are we goin' out, or what?"  :)  Yup!  Sounded good to both of us!  17 years ago!

1995, at Bestamor's house

We dated for the next three years.  Kept playing in the youth worship band and then taught Super Church, too.  (Those kids have graduated now!!)  Graduated from high school.  Spent a year (or two) in college at UND.  Then decided it was time to be married!  August 17th, 1996:  Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Crawford!

Jill and Kevin Crawford

Fast forward 17 years...  Joshua (our first son is born and dies, 2 months old), Crimson (campus church plant), four more kids, rock concerts, camps, Valley Christian Center, two college degrees, music, musicals, recording, Bible studies, MOPS, Riverside Christian school, kids programs, traveling, youth group, church board, web work, football parties, teaching, preaching, itinerating, Masters degree, moving, homeschooling, missions...

for our 14th wedding anniversary, we took Rocky in for surgery...  :)

Now I have been with Kevin as long as I have been without him!  17 years on each side!  Happy, sad, good, bad...  for better or for worse.  Our vows said something like, together we will serve God and others as long as we both shall live.  (I have them printed out and framed, but they're in the states so I can't grab them for the exact quote!  Doh.  I should have memorized them, huh?!)  :)

for our 17th dating anniversary,
we drove up to the Armenian/Georgian border with our kids
Benjamin, Elijah, Ruth, and Hannah
By "our" family letter:  the "C/K" sound for Crawford
Sept. 16, 2010

For our wedding we chose Psalm 126:3  The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.  Has done.  Is doing.  Will do...  so that together we may serve.  Whoo!  We didn't picture ourselves overseas with four kids 17 years ago...  I wonder where we'll be and what we'll be doing together, serving, in the next 17 years?!  Abundant life, baby!

Happy Anniversary to us!

Friday, September 03, 2010

Homeschool day in the Crawford house...

Just thought we'd give you a glimpse into our homeschooling world!  Most people wonder what it is that homeschoolers do all day...  and recently I saw what a friend of mine does during her homeschooling day with her girls via her blog.  It was fun to see what they were up to!  So...  if you're interested, here's the skinny at Crawford Christian school.

August 17, 2010...  first day of school...
third year homeschooling! 
Well, let's see, should I tell you what we PLAN to do every day, or what really happens everyday!?  :)  We are pretty flexible around here.  We hold loosely to a tight schedule!  :)  So, here's the plan that's on my wall.  Each child has their own schedule for their day that includes Phonics/Language, Reading, Arithmetic, etc...  Then I made a schedule for me so I can plan to be in each of their rooms when they need me.  (I should tell you that during the time I have scheduled for Reading or Writing with just one child, there are usually several interruptions during that time...  I need help, what's this mean, my monitor just went off, or just Moooom...!  They need to stand by the door while they wait, but it's hard to wait!)  

When we first started homeschooling, a friend told me that she makes sure that each of her kids has their own room and work place.  Then they're not comparing time and classes with each other.  We've tried to do that as well.

each of the kids' schedules,
hanging next to my desk
my schedule so I know
when to be where

We all start our morning together with breakfast.  The schedule says at 8:30, but we sometimes even wait until 9:30!  My hope is to be done (or mostly done) with breakfast by 8:30 so that when we do Bible the kids can help look up verses.  We're memorizing the Beatitudes and Romans 12 this year so I can read that while they finish eating.  (The kids chose to start with the Beatitudes...)  Then we've been reading some other good books.  One is a Kids Bible fact book.  Another is Leading Little Ones to God.  Another is about making good choices...  Each week the kids have their own "day" where they get to choose devotions, and they get to pray, pick songs, etc...  Benjamin's is Monday, Hannie's is Tue...  etc.  So they get to be a part of the leading and they also get a little special treatment that day!   After Bible, we open with the date, the pledge, a patriotic song, the pledge to the Bible, a couple praise songs...  pray together and get hugs and kisses, then we're ready to get to class!

our opening area

We chose to use the Abeka DVDs for homeschooling.  I knew we'd be overseas and I'd be homeschooling four kiddos by myself (with Kevin), and I didn't want them to miss anything!  I felt safe picking one solid curriculum that made sure they covered everything.  If they get back into a classroom setting back in the US, I wanted to be sure they were on top of everything.  (Now they all say that they want to keep homeschooling!  We haven't decided...)  I've liked using Abeka, anyway!  There's so many good choices out there.  I might have tried to use a rotating type curriculum so we could do more together if I knew we'd think about continuing after our time overseas...  but we've been happy with our choice, too.  The kids get to know their teachers and the kids in their class.  They get good instruction which is good, especially for Benjamin and Math!  Yikes!  6th grade math!  Hello!  :)  And the girls are always talking about Megan and Ashley, etc...  the girls they like in their "class".  Lijah thinks his teacher is so pretty!  Ha.  (He'd like to kiss her...)  So they get instruction and even play games with their class (they say "and students watching?") and then they turn off their monitors and do their work, with us if need be, or with each other, which I LOVE to see...  them helping each other.  Blessing.

hannie meeting her dvd teacher
on the first day of school
The older two kids have their own desks here and their own little DVD players.  Benjamin's in the boys room and Hannah's in the girls.  Elijah is in the living room at the kitchen table using the TV.  And Ruth and I share a table/desk in my room.  She is a bit of a tornado so it's an adventure!  :)  But it's worked out pretty good.  Kevin also has a desk (made of our blue rubbermaid tubs) in our room!  Heh.  Good thing we have a big bedroom.

ruth and I share a table/desk

Okay, so that's the set up.  Here's some of the rules/rewards.  We have a smile chart in the hallway.  Everyday I say "His mercies are new every morning" and we get all our smiles back to the biggest one.  Then we try to "keep our smile" all day.  There are four little slips of paper in there that have smaller and smaller smiles with the fourth one frowning.  They each have one set to be responsible to "keep".  We've never gotten down to the frown yet, but I told one of the kids just today that she had two smiles down and I reminded her that if she got to a frown, she was going to BED.  On the other hand, if they keep their big smiles all day, or have the chance to get them back up to the biggest one, they get a sticker to put on their folders at the end of the day.  Whoot.  So.  A good attitude is just as important as a good mark on your paper around here!

benjamin's showing you
our smiles

We all watch the time and work hard for the first hour of school.  Benjamin and Hannah both have Arithmetic that hour and the younger two have Phonics and seatwork papers and Reading.  I do Writing with Elijah just before we go out since I think we can handle doing that together and he doesn't need to watch the video kids write!  Sometimes I even set the timer for this first hour as a reminder to stay on task.  After that's done - Recess!  Whoo.  Dad usually comes out with us for those 20 minutes, too, so it's a good time.  Rocky thinks it's a good time, too!  :)  Usually we visit with Hakob, the neighborhood gardener during recess, too!  These 20 minutes usually turn in to 30 or even 40!  Heh...  but hey, we homeschool!  It's cool.

dad's out for recess!

After recess, we gotta get settled back down and get serious again... hard!  :)  But we do.  When they're all at their desks again, I give them all a little snack to eat while they start their next classes on the video.   They do a lot of reading then and I do a lot of jumping from room to room.   I do try to grade the kids morning classes before lunch so there's less to do later.  Last year I had a problem waiting to grade then at the end of the week I had tons.  Not fun for me or even good for them.  It's better to stay on top if it all.  So this year I've tried harder to have everything graded that same day or the next morning.  It's gone good so far.

lijah writing on his
white board
Usually by 12 or 1 Elijah's done with Kindergarten and Ruth's almost done with 2nd grade.  The older two have History and Science in the afternoons.  Sometimes Art.  We all stop and have lunch.  Kevin has been awesome to make us lunch, but I know he's busy with work, too, so I'm trying hard to be done with reading and things so I can do that instead of him.  During the last half of lunch, Kevin also tries to read from a Narnia book.  We're on the book The Horse and His Boy now.  (We read them all last year, too!)  The kids love it.  (It's a little big for Lijah and we let him play or even go outside on the porch if he wants to...  so he can relax and we can hear!!)  We have a book that goes along with the Narnia books, too, to go a little deeper.

After lunch, the older two go back to school and the younger two play (if they're done with class!).  I have a dresser filled with homeschooling stuff that they can use whenever they want.  They love it.  Usually after school, Ruth and Hannah play fake school together!  :)  I try to have lots of things they can touch and do along with their class, especially for Ruth...  she's our hands-on girl!

Ruth making patterns

Let's see.  Oh, their folders.  They all have their own favorite colors so their folders match them.  We've had these folders for three years!  They're solid plastic ones but are breaking!  I think we'll by more once we're stateside!  ;)  But they've treated us well all these years!  On the back they have a sticker chart.  At the end of everyday they bring their work to me and we double check to see that everything's done.  If it's all done they get a little sticker to mark that day's work.  There are 170 boxes to mark each of the days of school so it's a good count down, too!  Then every Friday, if they have all their stickers (their work has all been done that week) they get to chose a prize from the prize box!  Whoot, again!  :)  We've just gathered little things like lizzards, bracelets, rings, little candies, Crawford Christian School pencils!  This year, I put in a coupon book that has things like Bake Cookies, Pick a Movie, Extra computer time...  things like that.  The girls have already chosen some of those things.  Hannah picked Bake Cookies and Ruth picked Have a Tea Party!  So they worked well together.  I like that.  Time together is a good reward.

the back of ruth's folder
(a little sticky from last year's old stickers...)
prize box!
So I guess that's the long and short of homeschooling at our house!  We're usually done by 2 or 3, sometimes 4!  :)  Kevin wants to work with the kids more on the musical instruments, too  It should be easy now since they're all set up in our living room for worship band practice!  Heh.  The kids want to learn!  Hopefully this year that will take off!  I also want to encourage them to do other things.  Hannie is interested in languages.  She'd actually really love to learn sign language!  So hopefully we can work something out for her there.  I've just looked online so far!  YouTube has some songs with signing, etc.  Benjamin has learned to do Keyboarding with a computer program.  Ruth mostly just wants to run and be outside!  Same with Elijah!  :)  (Lijah also wants to be playing computer games, but that has a limit!)  He wants to be a gardener like Hakob and Ruth wants to be a vet...

The girls have been in dance this past year and Benjamin's been in basketball.  We'd like to keep something like that going when we get back to the US.  We're excited to get back to Royal Rangers and Missionets and those programs, too.  We're hoping to take swimming lessons again, too.  Benjamin wisely told me that if we keep homeschooling, he'd like to be sure he's involved in some extracurricular activities as well!  ;)

One of my favorite things so far this year is watching the kids all work together and help each other.  They love to.  And I love for them to...  for my sake (so I can make lunch!) and for their sake to be friends and helpers.  One day this week just before lunch, I was making eggs and the older two were practicing their spelling lists together and Ruth was helping Elijah finish up one of his papers, reading the directions and talking about matches...  Love it!  Love hearing them helping and giggling and working together.  When school's done, they play games and run outside and basically do more school!  Heh.  They love maps and play with them.  They love to write stories, and read books, and sing songs.  They don't realize it's school...  shh!  :)

So there you have it!  A day in the life of the Crawfords!