Sunday, September 11, 2011

Waiting for little BOY Crawford!

Baby Boy Crawford
 This week was our routine ultrasound at 21 weeks and the tech said she is 100% sure that our littlest Crawford is a BOY!  Pretty exciting.  I love seeing our babies on an ultrasound.  He was a busy little guy!  Wonder if he'll keep us on our toes!?  :)  The kids are all happy.  One of our girls is still warming to the idea of a boy since she was really hoping for a girl...  but I think in the end she will be very in love with her baby brother!  Now we've got 4 months to pick out the perfect boy Bible name!  We'll see what the six of us can agree on!!  Thankful for our little guy!
18 weeks

Daniel 10

Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them."  -Daniel 10:12
until it snows...  this is my morning devotion spot!
Chai tea, Bible and study, patio... and Rocky!  :)

-Don't be Afraid
-Set your Mind
-Gain Understanding
-Humble Yourself

Daniel 10 has an awesome story of how much goes on in the unseen world of angels when we pray.  The angel tells Daniel that he was on his way ever since Daniel first prayed but was detained by the Prince of Persia until another angel came and helped him!  Wow...  do you ever imagine all that is happening in the heavenlies when you pray?  Crazy!  I honestly don't think about that too often!  Persevere in your prayers!  Daniel had been fasting and praying for three weeks!  Who knows what your angel is up to in the unseen realm!  What a challenge!  

I like the basics the angel pointed out that Daniel did.  He set his mind and focused. His prayer was to gain understanding.  And he stayed humble.  In response, his prayer was heard and the angel came!  What a faithful man of God Daniel was all throughout his life.  And what awesome power is all around us!  Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord!  Help us fix our eyes on You and seek You faithfully!  

Back to school... after three years!

All ready to head back to school!!
We're in the front yard about to get in the van and goooo!

After three years of homeschooling, our kiddos are back to the world of the school classroom!  We always thought when we got back to the states we'd get them back in a Christian school but then we all loved the world of homeschooling so we did have some second thoughts.  In the end, heading back to school won out and there they go!  They're at Trinity Christian School in Williston where Kevin teaches Bible for 7th through 12th grade and where their Papa Eddie is the administrator/principal.  So they're practically at home!?  Heh.  My biggest baby is in 7th grade!  with the younger ones following him at 5th, 3rd, and 1st grades.

They've been going to school for about two weeks now and we've mostly heard positive things.  The biggest thing that they don't like is that it's long and early.  They're tired!  :)  But they all have good teachers and are making friends.  From what I've seen, their grades are good.  I think they're settling in well.  Benjamin and Hannah are taking band and are both starting to learn the trumpet!  I think we'll hear that sound a lot around here in the next few years!!

I'm glad they're back now and that first day is over!  We were all a little excited/nervous about it.  Now we can just move forward into the new routine we're discovering.

People keep asking what I'll do all day.  What have I been up to?  My house must be quiet.  Well, so far, I don't feel like I've really had any boring days.  I wanted to get a few projects done around our little house and haven't even really done tons of that yet!  I've been doing lunch recess duty several times, as well as having doctor apts for me and the kids, and trying to prepare the year of Rainbows (Wed night preschool class) and MOPS/MOPPETS.  I thought I'd have all the homeschooling stuff put away this summer but didn't get that finished, either, so that project is almost done now...

I'm thinking it'll be quite the juggle keeping track of four different busy kids' schedules!  We've always kind of made up our own family schedule...  I'm already asking, "Wait-when do YOU have your spelling tests?  Wed or Fri??"  And, "When do you need the trumpet for band?"  "Science project, what?"  "When do I need to be there for reading time?"  I think my planner will get filled up more this year than it ever has!   The girls are going to do dance and Benjamin is looking pretty sporty...

We are happy to be busy with a great school and a great group of people!  And off we go!  Hopefully I will get organized enough to keep up with it all!  Here's to a good school year at TCS!

This is outside the side door of the school.
-Kev's classroom is on the top right

I am trying to get into a routine of morning devotions/quiet time again instead of just quick prayers/studies here and there when I can!  Just finished up the Beth Moore study of Daniel and am  thinking I'll start the Creative Correction Bible study about raising kids.  Rocky, our puppy, thinks I'm  home just to play with him so he keeps trying to get my attention when I'm sitting down!  Heh... but he's learning that I'm just not as exciting as four busy kids!!  

So here's to some good quiet time, as well!