Our little guy turned four years old in January! Whoo! Big guy now. We were in Arkansas visiting Kevin's side of our family so he got a southern party - at Chuck E Cheese. :) Kev's cousin has a little girl who was born like a week before Elijah so they doubled up and partied together in Springfield, MO. Pretty fun, but a little crazy. Hannie said later... I never even got to see Sidney open her gifts! The kids had a great time, though and spent the day running and playing.
When we lit Elijah's candle to sing to him, he started singing, "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..." Sooo sweet. Love it.
That was the week before his birthday, so he got another mini party the next Sunday on his birthday... Cake and two more presents. I think his favorite part was the Happy Birthday balloon!? :) We tied an extra long string to it since Grandma and Papa have high ceilings! It's gotta be a party if you have a balloon! Whoo!
Each time Elijah opened a gift he exclaimed, "Ah! It's just what I wanted!" Regardless of what it was, or if he'd ever even thought of having one before! Fun kid to give a gift to!
Here's our birthday boy! We're crazy about him!