We brought Hannie home the next day, on Halloween, and on the way home we stopped by the gas station for pop to go along with teh KFC my parents were picking up! (With Benjamin, we had everything "perfect" and memorable... with Hannie, we were more practical! Ha!) She slept in her car seat while we ate chicken! Whenever Benjamin passed by her he'd say, "Hi baby Annie!"
Hannah was born beautiful and is growing more and more beautiful as time goes by. We love that little girl! Our young lady!

This year, Hannah invited a few friends to the bowling alley with Papa Eddie and Grandma Sharon. Papa James stopped up there for a while, too! We had taco soup that night and played Operation, the new game her friend got for her! Then a week later, on her actual birthday, we went to Grandam Lala's and Papa James' place to open presents and eat pumpkin pie blizzard cake from DQ. Yum. (We also stopped school at 11:00 to blow party horns and eat strawberry candy!)
It's fun to celebrate our girl... Happy Birthday, baby!