Mama has stinky feet... that's what the photographer says to try to get the kids to smile for the picture. Usually it works.
But lately I've been coming across verses that have the word "feet" in them. Let me share a few with you:
Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains are the
feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"
Ephesians 6:15
(Armor of God)...and with your
feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
Proverbs 4:26&27
Make level paths for your
feet and take only ways that are firm.
Habakkuk 3:19
The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my
feet like the
feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.
Psalms 119:105
Your word is a lamp unto my
feet and a light unto my path.
A lot of people fell at Jesus feet, Jesus washed the disciples feet, the woman with the oil poured it on Jesus feet, the enemy is under Jesus feet...
Oh Lord, make my feet beautiful, bringing good news, proclaiming peace, bringing good tidings, proclaiming salvation. Let my feet be ready and take paths that are level and firm and paths that are straight in You. Strengthen my feet and enable me to go above and beyond. Let me soak in your Word that it would always be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Help me be quick to wash others feet and to be a servant and to always be dedicated to spending time at Your feet. Thank you, God, that the enemy is under your feet and therefore, under mine!