I love when I'm studying something and it shows up again and again... especially when my kids are involved!
For the past few months, it seems like I'm learning a lot about how God is with us. I think I have like 15 or so verses that I've "come across" that talk about that. And a lot of them have to do with us not fearing - He is with us! One of the last verses I wrote down was in Isaiah 7 where they talk about giving the child the name Immanuel, which means "God with us." Neat. Christmas time... Immanuel.
Then Hannie comes home and tells me about the names of Jesus that they're learning about and hanging up on their Christmas tree at school. I ask her which one she likes... she tells me - Immanuel! Later, she comes home with a little paper she's written about how Immanuel means God with us! Heh. How 'bout that.

~Snow angels :)
The other thing I seem to be learning a lot about lately is faith! Believing the the Word of God. Trusting Him. Acting on that belief. One part of a study I read talked about putting your hope in God. She talked about how when most people say, "I hope so." usually mean... "But I don't really think so... It'd be nice but..." We should hope in Him with anticipation and expectation.
Wouldn't you know... Benjamin came home with his spelling list a week or two ago. I'm asking words and listening to him spell... when we come to the vocabulary words at the end. I find myself saying, "What does anticipation mean?" Like God was saying... Are you hoping in Me? Anticipating My work in your life? Heh. Get ready!
Anticipate! God is with us!