Monday, October 15, 2007


I found a Mentor! :)

Have you read Titus chapter 2 about older women and younger women? Let me see here...

3Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

Well, I've always been kinda drawn to that verse... kinda sums up what we as women should be all about. Training and encouraging other women! Then this summer, I got the book A Woman's High Calling by Elizabeth George and read some of it with some girlfriends. One chapter pointed out, encouraged, recommended... that we find ourselves a "mentor" to hang around and learn from. Also, that we should put ourselves in a mentoring position!

So, after thinking about that for a while... My kids, and especially my daughters, are my most obvious Loves to be a mentor to. Then at church it's easy for me to love on little ones there. Kevin has fallen in love with the youth group and therefore, I love them, too! But they are some who are younger than me that I'd like to be available to. In the end, it wasn't too hard to think of who to encourage and teach... but to find myself a mentor... hummm...

It's a little intimidating, too! "Will you be my mentor!?" Heh. And who? Who do I want to be like? Respect, love, see Jesus in... After a while someone came to mind, and came to mind again, and again... Are you like that? I tell Kev that it takes at least three nudges for me to be like, "Oh! Okay..."

In the end, I'm very glad to say that Mrs. Julie Schimke has agreed to be my mentor! :) She's the kindergarten teacher up Riverside Christian School, where our kids attend. She's had both Benjamin and Hannie and will have Ruth next year, if we're still in the states!! Besides the fact that she loves little ones and teaches Early Childhood... she's so obviously a lover of the Lord. She's so full of His fruit and so active in pursuing Him. When I asked her, she said she'd like to pray about it. That was cool. Heh. It's intimidating to her, too! But we'll make it informal and just make sure to find time to hang out once in a while! Sounds pretty simple, huh?

I'm excited. I found a mentor! You should find one, too! And be one! God said to!

Encourage one another in the Lord while it is still called Today!