Hannie is no longer a kindergartner! It's official! The Fruit of the Spirit award of Patience was given to her! Her teacher said that when she was building in the block corner she was so patient if her blocks were knocked down or bumped. Her responsibility for the ceremony was quoting their "C" verse and their "S" verse. Her whole class learned a verse for each letter of the alphabet. (C is "Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right." Eph. 6:4... and S is "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found." Isaiah 55:6.)
We raced from swim lessons to graduation, in case you notice that her hair is wet/drying!!
When we got home that night, Hannie got her first official Bible. Not a kiddy one, a big, full one! It's the Young Women of Faith Bible. She's pretty excited to be able to read her own Bible now!
We're proud of our Hannie girl.