Sunday, January 28, 2007


Elijah is learning how to say polite words. So if he would want milk "mu lo ko", for example, and I would give him a cup... he would politely respond, "Welcome!" I've tried to explain to him that I'm the one to say, "your welcome" and he's suppoed to say, "thanks!" Well, in the midst of all the attention, I think now he's decided either way, it's just plain more fun to say "welcome."

One of the other funny things said tonight was from Ruth. Hannie brought home a book from school about Mr. Sniff the detective. He's trying to figure out why all these practical joke type things have been going on and who's been doing them. At the end we find out it's the little boy who's been helping him try to figure it out! Well, I finished the book and talked to Hannie about it for a minute when I look at Ruth... there's a silent pause from her, then... "What on earth..." It's so funny to hear little ones say "grown up" things like that.

Eli says, "funny" all the time. Now I notice that I, too, say "funny" about things. Benjamin will tell me a story and I'll reply, "Oh, funny."

If you read this today... you can say a prayer for Hannie and Benjamin, too. They've been fighting off something for a week or so now. They've had fevers and now Benjamin just mostly has a deep cough. Hannie, on the other hand, still gets the fever back off and on. So I'm not sure what that is. Maybe we'll have to give the doctor a call? We've been concerned about the little ones getting it. They might have had the same type of thing before Christmas... But especially when Eli gets sick, he really gets sick. He has always had some chest cough, allergy, asthma thing. So.

Hannie said the other day... "Two days I've been so sick and two days you've taken care of me." Of course. She's so sweet. "Welcome."

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Merry Christmas!


"Roll with the punches..."
That's a Papa Eddie quote that Kevin (and I) like to remind Benjamin of. He can get so worked up over "small" things like forgetting his lunch... we'll bring it to him, or losing a game... try again. You know. (For me, it might be something like not having a quiet time during nap... or missing Beth Moore on Wed morning...)

Well, like usual, God likes to teach me things through my kids. The other day as I stepped around the ice on the sidewalks around our house, I looked back and noticed Benjamin was aiming for each patch of ice. He was sliding over all of them as he made his way up to the house. So I guess he is learning to roll with it. Instead of going around the ice or tip toeing around it, he went straight foward to slide right past. Heh. He's learning to see the good in things. And so am I. Even so, you might not see me skating past your house...

this is eternal life...

It's interesting what Jesus prayed about eternal life...

"Now this is eternal life:
that they may KNOW YOU, the only true God
and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."
(John 17:3)

Kevin and I have been sharing about how Jesus came that we may have abundant life (John 10:10) and how that abundant life starts now. He gives us hope for the future in heaven - and for life today. So when Kev and I came across that verse over the Christmas break, it was just like another piece to the puzzle slipped into place. Not many people would answer that eternal life is to Know God and Jesus, but rather to go to heaven. Eternal life begins now! Know Him!