Thursday, September 05, 2013

Adopt... an Embryo

We have big news!  It looks like we may be on THE PATH toward adoption!  After 15 years...  could this be IT?!

There is only one class left that we need to take to foster/adopt here in North Dakota.  It looked like we would just chase after fostering to adopt (which we still are open to...) when a new twist on adoption popped up in front of us!  I saw a couple online that recently adopted embryos!  Both Kev and I were interested.  There are around 600,000 frozen embryos in the US.  Families who do InvetroFertalization have several embryos created and some of them end up not being used...  thus the thousands of embryos that are frozen.  Some families donate the extra embryos to science (therefore they are killed), some pay for them to stay frozen for years, and some put them up for adoption/donation!

Tiny babies need families!

Our kids are interested in the idea but of course have different takes on it.  They had questions like will it be a boy or a girl?  Twins?  What will they look like?  (what race will they be?)  Some of them didn't really want to discuss how babies were made.  And the idea of babies being made outside a mama is confusing.  And babies, frozen?  To make it simple for his little brother, Benjamin said that they are frozen, like Han Solo.  So we need to call one Solo if we have a boy!  Ha.  A few days after we discussed the idea with them, our eight year old came home and said to me that he thought God was speaking to him.

"About what?"
"About the tiny frozen babies!  God didn't speak in a loud voice but I just can't stop thinking about them...  I think it's God."

So he has been sure to have us pray for them everyday (and has asked people at school to pray for the frozen embryos, too!).

Well, we are praying and we are also pursuing.  The first initial form has been sent in.  We have to schedule an initial appointment with a fertility doctor in either Denver or Mpls and also have a home study done.  There is another form to send in, as well, along with the initial fees for the adoption program.  We are taking steps forward and are excited and nervous to see if this is finally IT for us.  God will still have to pull of some big financial miracles for it to happen!  We already saw Him work a miracle in regards to donating toward our adoption but sadly, when the donator heard of our missions debt, they said to go ahead and use it for that...  Don't know why God had it go that way.  But we know He is still able!  He is big.  And babies who need families are loved by Him!  Set the lonely in our family...

I've always prayed that our babies out there would be safe and loved...  never imagined that they would be frozen!!

Let the fundraising begin!!

We still have an adoption fund and there is a paypal link on the side of this blog...
Help us spread the word?  We're excited to give a baby life.


In the spring, we lost our two dogs...  we also got new puppies!!

His Princesses Dance Recital

Band Day!

Mr Baseball

School's over!  Ice cream part-a!
Fire pit summer!  Best Christmas present, ever!

Playing at the parks in the summer

Benjamin and Pastor Jordan on their way to missions in Chicago!
Hannah got to go with Pastor Dan and Sara to help be part of the leadership at camp FaHoCha!

Fourth of July!
Camp Crawford!  Ruth and Elijah didn't get to go to kids camp (because Ruth was having eye/ear problems) so we had our own camp at home!

Blake (my brother) and Crystal and our nieces came to visit us!!

17 years!

back to school...
And Uncie Darin came to visit us the week school started!